NAVAIRINST 3960.2D Current instruction 3960.2C is out of date Signed 9 May 1994 Significant changes since C version Competency aligned organization All of T&E now in AIR-5.0 Updated versions of DoD 5000 Updated versions of SECNAVINST 5000 Lessons learned
INSTRUCTION CONTENT Six Main Parts to Instruction (Enclosures) Part 1 - Test and Evaluation Working IPT Formulation and Conduct Part 2 - Test and Evaluation Master Plan processing Part 3 - Conduct of an Executive Strategy Review Part 4 - Process for the Operational Assessment Maturity Review Part 5 - Process for the Operational Test Readiness Review Part 6 - Fleet RDT&E Support Requests
MAJOR CHANGES (1) Competency aligned organization Migration of AIR-1.6 and AIR-4.11 to AIR-5.1.1 Consolidation of numerous T&E leadership organizations into one CAO Consistent application to all PEO’s Change TPWG to T&E Working IPT IAW SECNAVINST 5000.2C/D Delineates SECNAVINST 5000.2D OT Certification Criteria (20 Criteria)
MAJOR CHANGES (2) Changes TEMP Advisory Review to Test and Evaluation Executive Strategy Review Expanded role to more than just TEMP reviews Updated TEMP content and format policy IAW DoD and DoN Governing policy Added Roles and Responsibilities for APMT&E and APEO(T&E)
MAJOR CHANGES (3) Changed make-up of pre-OTRR and OTRR board To include AIR-6.7 ST&E Made the OTRR briefing format mandatory New process for Operational Assessment Maturity Review
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 1 Conduct of a T&E Working IPT Provides requirements for a T&E WIPT charter and charter format
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 2 Test and Evaluation Master Plan processing Provides additional guidance and policy for TEMP processing within NAVAIR and the PEOs Provides checklists for 4 and 5 Part TEMPs as attachments Requires formal staffing of draft TEMP (called an O-6 review)
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 3 Conduct of an Executive Strategy Review Internal AIR-5.1 process Used for peer review of ACAT and other program’s test strategy, Test and Evaluation Strategy, Test and Evaluation Master Plans, etc.
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 4 Operational Assessment Maturity Review New process To be used for programs that are conducting IT prior to MS C where the OA is not dedicated i.e. P-8 replaces an OTRR since certification is not required Provides chairmanship and board make-up Checklist/entry criteria provided as attachment
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 5 Operational Test Readiness Review Provides policy on timing, chairmanship and board make-up Provides a presentation format - mandatory Provides new process for documenting pre-OTRR decisions Provides additional details on SECNAV 5000 certification criteria Checklist based on SECNAV criteria provided as attachment
DRAFT INSTRUCTION – PART 5 Fleet RDT&E Support Requests Provides internal process for requesting Fleet Services for RDT&E events Provides format for fleet requests Provides format for emergent fleet requests