Implementation of the IPS MDTF Procedures, Steps, Structures
Procedures Bank Role as TF Administrator Management and execution of the trust funds is subject to a number of the Bank’s operational and administrative policies Hold and invest the funds it receives Disburse them in accordance with the terms of the legal agreements with the donors. Monitor implementation of grant activities Assess achievement of grant objectives Report on the final use of the funds.
Procedures. . , Supervision and reporting Supervision of the TFs involve: monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the achievement of the development objectives and the funds are being used in conformity with agreement with donors Requirements for reporting to donors are set out in the AA. The minimum standard financial reporting requirements are: Quarterly un-audited statement of receipts, disbursements and fund balances Annual single audit reports Reporting requirements on activities of the TFs are set by program managers consistent with the TF Agreement
Procedures Operations manual Agree with the Government on prioritizing components and sub components of the IPS project document. State the roles and responsibilities of the DSDC, MoF and MoI, including committees and working groups associated with the project. Help the government define baselines and monitoring indicators subject to the agreed outcomes as per the IPS project document Define the reporting format for the co financing donors as per the TF Handbook and Guidelines Describe Financial Management and Procurement arrangements The manual will be used mainly by the MOF and DSDC staff to understand eligibility, prepare investment priorities and in the implementation of infrastructure activities related to other project activities. The manual will be shared with donors for their information and clarity of the process.
Steps (1) effectiveness,(2) disbursements (3) supervision MDTF, GA was signed on January 17, 2008 Disbursement Letter attached GA defines financial mgmt procedures including first withdrawals Bank’s pre - effectiveness supervision mission December 10-14, 2007(meetings with DSDC, MOF, donors). Main issues discussed: Status of the TF Procurement plan Operations manual IPS coordination Specific issues related to the IPS components and subcomponents (macro forecasting, PIM, MTBP and Treasury, IPSIS, Debt management)
Steps. . . Supervision Procurement plan. Areas of progress and first procurement packages already identified by MOF and DSDC and a draft prepared and shared with WB: Policy advice for NSDI implementation and aid coordination Debt management Action Plan IPS implementation in ministries PIM capacity building in line ministries WB Team is revising and will send comments shortly. It will further discuss with DSDC and MoF team for the finalization of the PP.
Steps. . . Supervision WB Mission on Government Debt Management December 17-21 and January 7-14. (IPS PD – component 4/2) The mission was a follow-up of the assessment of government debt management capacity and institutions that was undertaken in April last year by the use of the Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool The mission had meetings with MoF management and staff of the Debt General Directorate, and coordinated with the donors ( IMF, Sida , US Treasury Advisor)
IPS Implementation Structures Defined in the IPS Project Document DSDC, MOF and MOI to provide central coordination and support. IPS Support Group: Chaired by the Director of the DSDC Includes the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Integration (MoI), Deputy Minister of Finance (MoF), Director, Department of Public Administration (DoPA), one Prime Ministerial Adviser and representatives of the Donors Technical Secretariat as well as those donors that have made financial contributions to the TF. The IPS Support Group will meet at least twice a year: in early November, to review the AWP and then in June to review progress against the Annual Work Plan. Details for the functioning of the IPS SG will be provided in the operations manual in agreement with its members and incorporating their comments
WB project team Team leader Senior Public Sector Specialist Public Sector Operations Officer Procurement analyst FM analyst Economist Legal advice provided by the Counsel (WB Legal vice presidency) Disbursement guidance and advice from Loan Department and Trust Fund Accounting Clearance Team
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