WP6. Quality Plan 6.2 Develop a monitoring, evaluation, and quality plan Edited by September, 2017
Lead Organisation: Split Co-Lead: AUA, CRE.THI.DEV Participating Organisation: All partners
Project Quality Management Tasks – deliverables: 6.1 Establish the Quality Committee 6.2 Develop a monitoring, evaluation, and quality plan 6.3 Progress reports 6.4 Hire External Monitor
Project Quality Management Quality Committee establishment Kickoff meeting (February 2017) decision:
Project Quality Management Tasks – deliverables: 6.1 Establish the Quality Committee 6.2 Develop a monitoring, evaluation, and quality plan 6.3 Progress reports 6.4 Hire External Monitor
6.2 Develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, & Quality Plan
Project Quality Management The quality plan contains the milestones of the project as well as the means and the indicators for the evaluation of the project progress and project’s results. It is the roadmap for the evaluation of the quality of the project. For internal use by the project team and will act as a guide for the internal quality management of the Project.
Quality Plan Aims and Objectives To clearly define the content, format, review and approval process of the project deliverables To define the responsibilities of the project partners regarding those deliverables To identify all the different tools and means to be applied throughout the project duration To provide guidelines for adequate implementation and thereby assure that certain quality standards in the performance of our tasks are fulfilled. To define the quality requirements that must be obtained throughout the project lifecycle, those that the deliverables, actions and results must conform to.
Quality Plan Objectives To define: Content Format Review and approval process 1. PROJECT DELIVERABLES’ 2. RESPONSIBILITIES of the project partners 3. THE QUALITY REQUIREMENTS for DELIVERABLES, ACTIONS AND RESULTS 4. THE DIFFERENT TOOLS AND MEANS for the achievement of the requirements To assure that certain quality standards in the performance of our tasks are fulfilled.
Project Quality Assurance Through the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the Project Deliverables Project Processes
Project Quality Assurance Quality of the project processes Questionnaire with an assessment of the performance of the consortium and of the current state of the partnership Internal evaluation Every 18 months: Next evaluation April 2018 Online survey, with the participation of all Satisfaction survey with threshold of approval: More than 70% of weighted answers with score ≥ 3.
Quality of Project Deliverables Quality of the project deliverables For every key FoodQA deliverable, consisting of the results of the Work Packages, there is a monitoring/evaluation process and relevant quantified quality indicators Deliverables categorisation: Tangible : Documents, etc Intangible : Meetings/Events Other Intangible : Websites, platforms etc
Quality of the project deliverables Tangible or document deliverables undergo a peer review process of evaluation by nominated reviewer(s), internal or external. Internal review/evaluation process for document deliverables Some deliverables, such as the E-book (WP1) , the training courses (WP2) will also be validated by external stakeholders. Author submits "draft" deliverable to WPL WPL forwards draft deliverable to reviewer(s) Reviewer(s) evaluate(s) deliverable and sends evaluation to author & WPL Author accepts/rejects suggestions, makes changes, returns deliverable and eval. to WPL WPL gives final approval
Quality of the project deliverables Internal review evaluations should include the following information: General comments: Thoroughness of contents Correspondence to project objectives Specific comments: Relevance Format (layout, spelling, etc.) Suggested actions: Changes that should be implemented Missing information Further improvements
Quality of the project deliverables Meeting and event evaluations Internal evaluation – after the implementation of a meeting or event Meetings: Meeting Evaluation Questionnaire, circulated by the QM in online form Events: Event Evaluation Questionnaire, by all partners, paper form, translated in all languages. Results tabulated sent to the QM for analysis. Both are satisfaction surveys, with threshold of approval: More than 70% of weighted answers with score ≥ 3.
Quality of the project deliverables Training Evaluation Questionnaire after the end of the trainings/seminars using hardcopies of the standard document More than 70% of weighted answers with score ≥ 3.
Quality of the project deliverables Other intangible deliverables such as: - the e-library and - the FoodQA web portal, will be evaluated, with a focus on the overall quality of the deliverable and the usability and the added value to the final users.
Project Quality Management Tasks – deliverables: 6.1 Establish the Quality Committee 6.2 Develop a monitoring, evaluation, and quality plan 6.3 Progress reports 6.4 Hire External Monitor Presentation by Prof. Fahmi Abu Al Rub
Lina Tsakalou CRETHIDEV Thank you for your time! Lina Tsakalou CRETHIDEV