Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) Healthcare Provider Show and Tell No.5, 25 April 2017 Peter Sherratt, ECDS implementation lead (NHS Digital) Julie Clough, HES team (NHS Digital) Craig Walker, ECDS business analyst (NHS Digital) Version: v1.0 The ECDS project is a collaborative project between the Department of Health, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, NHS England, NHS Digital, NHS Improvement, NHS Providers and Public Health England. This document has been produced on behalf of the ECDS Project Board in collaboration with the organisations listed above.
Before we start Next webinar focused on Providers is 16th May @ 2pm. We’ve enabled “PC audio” so you can listen on your PC speakers as well as phone We are recording the webinar for the benefit of others The previous webinar links are available through the transcript document Most people will be muted – please send your comments and questions via the WebEx chat function We’ll be running a quick poll towards the end We’ll share the following after the meeting: The slides The links to the recordings The transcript of the QA session along with written answers Next webinar focused on Providers is 16th May @ 2pm. Send your comments to : ECDS@nhs.net
We’ll be going through some things in more detail on this call The transition process HES mappings Maintenance of SNOMED code sets Previous webinars have covered General introduction Tariff and payment CQUIN Quick progress update: The ISN has now been published here Technical Output Spec XML schema (see TRUD)
Transitioning to ECDS Presented by Peter Sherratt / Craig Walker
Key Milestones - Recap The next slides look at the ‘transition’ period, i.e. How a provider could transition from CDS 010 to ECDS (CDS 011) For Type 1 & 2’s transition roughly between Sep – Nov Start collecting ECDS by 1st Oct to get 100% CQUIN (50% from 1st Dec) Sites will probably want to avoid going live on 30th September because it’s a Saturday. Assuming maximisation of CQUIN sites will want to go live during w/c 25th Sept at the latest (meaning that for Sept or Oct there may be mixed data for the month)
Multiple ED sites Different ED sites can transition at different times You may stagger ‘go live’ for different ED sites e.g. Type 1 and 2’s flow ECDS (via MESH) and concurrently Type 3’s flow CDS 010 (via EDT) You may need to run EDT / CDS 010 process alongside MESH / ECDS process
Key Steps for Providers (text in red maximises CQUIN) Collect CDS 010 data up to CDS 010 ‘Activity cut off date / time’ using current EDIS Provider will decide the ‘Activity cut-off date / time’ to suit local needs Consider a Wednesday to deploy modified EDIS (least busy day in most ED’s) At selected ‘Activity cut off date / time’ deploy modified EDIS to collect ECDS e.g. 8am on Wed 27th Sept By midnight on Wed 11th Oct make first weekly submission of ECDS to SUS+ via MESH for period from ‘Activity cut off date/time’ to 8th Oct inclusive As you do now, in Oct / Nov make final submission(s) of CDS 010 for all A&E data covering period up to ‘Activity cut off date / time’ using EDT ‘Switch on’ of modified/new EDIS termed the ‘activity cut off date/time’ for rest of this presentation Above assumes ‘Activity cut off date/time’ is prior to 1st October to maximise CQUIN http://content.digital.nhs.uk/media/22991/SUS-R17-Submission-Timetable-v10/pdf/SUS__R17_Submission_Timetable_v1.0.pdf If using a locally installed (non-bureau) XML translation service install and setup: MESH client ECDS XML Schema alongside existing EDT and CDS 010 XML Schema
Key Steps for Providers (cont.) Continue to flow the rest of CDS6.2 (OP & APC) into SUS+ via EDT (as usual - no change to format, frequency or submission method) Any CDS 010 refresh submissions for any period BEFORE the ‘Activity cut off date / time’ MUST flow in CDS 010 format via EDT (same format as original submission – also applies for annual HES refresh) Any ECDS (CDS 011) refresh submissions for any period AFTER the ‘Activity cut off date / time’ MUST flow in ECDS (CDS 011) format via MESH (same format as original submission – also applies for annual HES refresh) Don’t Submit CDS 010 and ECDS (CDS 011) for the same activity Once you’ve submitted in one format, don’t submit the same activity in the other format NHS Digital will make available the ECDS (CDS 011) to CDS 010 mappings in case you wish to use them for any local purposes Remember to make the point about the “golden rule” which is not to overlap the activity period Some Trusts have requested mappings from ECDS back to CDS 010 to help during transition period: Continuity of data warehouse until ECDS data items can be implemented ‘Clean’ transition – To flow CDS 010 after modified EDIS has been deployed, for example 27th Sep – 30th Sep. Flow ECDS from 1st Oct
Example Implementation Timeline ECDS timeline The top row is the activities for ECDS The bottom row is the CDS 010 activities Colours denote data by month The blue box is the latest date to make a CDS 010 submission assuming that a site goes live with ECDS on or before 1 October 2017 (except the HES end of year submission)
Golden rules Refreshes of data MUST be in same format as original Don’t cross the streams (www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyaLZHiJJnE) Don’t Submit CDS 010 and ECDS (CDS 011) for the same activity Once you’ve submitted in one format, don’t submit the same activity in the other format
Other Useful Information User Guidance will be available to help ED staff / Informatics staff / data coders to capture and submit better quality data Technical Guidance will be available to assist IT / Informatics teams e.g. MESH / XML deployment guidance Posters / Crib sheets will be available to help ED staff enter new data items
HES Transition Presented by Julie Clough
HES Transition Interim period ECDS will be mapped back to CDS 010 HES customers will still receive complete A&E data to enable continuity of the wide uses for HES such as: Monitoring trends and patterns in NHS hospital activity Monitoring and evaluation of government policy Responding to parliamentary questions and media queries Medical research Data Access Request Services (DARS) Plan for switching HES to ECDS Provisionally from April 2018 to align with new financial year This is when HES services will switch their analysis and publications to ECDS
Data Mapping Example… Mapping fields from ECDS back to A&E Technical document in development Clinician involvement with mapping clinical data from SNOMED codes Only intended to include fields used for HES Example…
SNOMED Code Sets Presented by Craig Walker
SNOMED CT The SNOMED CT code sets are available from the Technology Reference Data Update Distribution (TRUD) webpage on the NHS Digital website. Providers are required to download technology reference data from TRUD. Reference data files are published on TRUD in human-readable and machine-readable format. In order to access the data providers are required to create a TRUD account at the link below. Users are advised not to select the option to opt out of receiving e-mail notification of news, activities and other services. https://isd.digital.nhs.uk/trud3/user/guest/group/0/account/form Registered users will receive email alerts to notify if there are any updates to the emergency care data set release. Updates are expected to be April and October each year and will include a go-live date (more on this in a future webinar). Link to Snomed CT subsets below: https://isd.hscic.gov.uk/trud3/user/guest/group/0/pack/40/subpack/296/releases
Future webinars…. Next webinar focused on Providers is 16th May @ 2pm We plan to hold a webinar roughly every 3 weeks They’re totally open – invite anyone Future topics will include: EDSSS update by PHE (ED Syndromic Surveillance) (next session) Detail on the user guidance / technical guidance (next session) Sharing the validation rules Local XML validation A focus on the early adopters scheme Implementation support – materials Performance management / SitRep / 4 hour Benefits case studies A focus for ED staff / managers [10th May 2017 at 2pm] – Registration Link. CCG webinars [28th April 2017 at 2pm] – Registration Link. Let us know anything particular you’d like us to cover again or in more detail Next webinar focused on Providers is 16th May @ 2pm Send your comments to : ECDS@nhs.net