Service: The New Frontier Welcome to Service Management Professor Drew Rosen
Learning Objectives Describe the central role of services in an economy. To explore the differences between manufacturing and services. Explore the role of services within manufacturing and manufacturing’s reliance on services. Understanding service management/service operations Describe and contrast the features of the new experience economy with that of previous economies.
Interactive Role of Services
Service Definitions A Service is a Time-perishable, Intangible Experience Performed for a Customer Acting in the Role of a Coproducer. James Fitzsimmons Services are deeds, processes, and performances. Valarie Zeithaml & Mary Jo Bitner
Definition of Service Firms Service Enterprises are Organizations that Facilitate the Production and Distribution of Goods, Support Other Firms in Meeting Their Goals, and Add Value to Our Personal Lives. James Fitzsimmons
Stages of Economic Development Features Pre- Use of Standard dominant human Unit of of living Society Game activity labor social life measure Structure Technology Pre- Against Agriculture Raw Extended Sub- Routine Simple hand Industrial Nature Mining muscle household sistence Traditional tools power Authoritative Industrial Against Goods Machine Individual Quantity Bureaucratic Machines fabricated production tending of goods Hierarchical nature Post- Among Services Artistic Community Quality of Inter- Information industrial Persons Creative life in terms dependent Intellectual of health, Global education, recreation
The Service Revolution “There are no such things as service industries. There are only industries whose service components are greater or less then those of other industries. Everybody is in service”! Theodore Levitt The Question to ask yourselves IS How much of a service company are you??? You/You/YOU/YOu/YOU/YOU/YOU/----------- We all are involved in the service sector No one is immune from it’s effects AND shouldn't be (thats why you are here) As manufacturing becomes more automated streamlining operations outsourcing more functions----service is growing Recent studies show that ; **The service component of a typical manufacturer is growing rapidly 30-70% of value Added are attributable to service functions 70% of total costs---- WHY do we still push for shop floor improvements as world economies/businesses evolves preindustrial industrial post industrial a new combination of labor/capital/organization is taking place fewer employees etc.. A few stats
Global Employment, % Share 1st glance data may be disturbing /BUT manufacturing Peeked ~~1950 and has been declining ever since WHY/ we are being more productive and efficient a different mix, BUT with this new mix there is an INCREASE reliance on Services as the #;s show!!! Acct/Finance/transportation/healthcare/P.M. etc ( all of these activities that we do not concentrate on) AS well as pure services
Percent Employment in Service Jobs, by Nation, 1980-2015 No country is immune from the growth in the service sector Some more then others Whats causing this Italy/Japan are flat UK way up
Global Private Sector Services, 1980-2015, % Growth In Employment Global Private Sector Services, 1980-2015, % All services have shown dramatic increases especially legal and business!!!! Business services= What services does your firm outsource!!!! Sears has Integrated backward and forward into insurance and finance--- Service Master (1.4 billion in revenues) 3.5 billion Guilders--- By lowering Manufacturing costs by managing complete equipment and plant maintenance, It will also design—layout, operate your facility (while sharing in the revenues!!!) Johnson Controls---Engineering/Plant design/operations ----
Services as % of GDP The US is not alone in our increasing reliance and importance of services WE do lead the charge But we lead most other stats as well US =72% Germany 57% while MFG GDP is falling US = 23% >20% Britain and Canada This change is not only Domestic BUT ________> GDP—Gross Domestic product The value of all production within a country A SINGLE CATEGORY FINANCE IS ALMOST AS LARGE AS ALL MANUFCTURING
Services Defined Service Industry Customer Service Field Service Definition is Ambiguous at best APICS E&R Newsletter June 1996/Vol 2/Jim Pope not in APICS dictionary 3 uses: 1. One where no final goods inventory exists (maybe raw/wip) but no finished goods inv. PRODUCED AND CONSUMED AT THE SAME TIME 2. Cust. Service--relationship during delivery time/price/quality 3. Field--relationship after delivery warranty service/parts avail/follow-up **any function that does not directly contribute to the production of the product. Defined as what it’s not US Gov’t defines it as a residual non-farming, non-manufacturing employment so whats IBM what about General Motors In: BCBS out: Financial(gmac) must begin to think as ourselves as not just a manufacturer but a SERVICE ORG. and accept there new VIEW Massive Hidden Service sector Pre & Post services--- Acct/legal/utilities/health care/waste disposal/maintenance PROBLEM AREA How measured: --product/process design --R&D --Mkt. Research --Acct/Data Analysis *** captured as Mfg. Costs if preformed WITHIN mfg. Concerns *** Captured as services if preformed EXTERNLY
Why Services Are Important Increased Competition Manufacturing Support Makes Economic Sense The ability to differenate an undifferanted product/commodity etc. Mfg. Cannot exist without the functions services provide 3. Customers want to be treated well and do repeat business with the firms that emphasize quality 4. The life blood of any company is repeat business Service recovery etc. customer loyalty create apostles for your firm Increased relationships between Mfg. And service functions 5. President of Hienkien has been quoted as saying: “we are just a Marketing company with a production facility as a service” richard Wagnor President of GM--- we just manufacture vechiles so we can finance them
“When the quality and price of competing products are similar or nearly identical, service activities can ‘differentiate’ undifferentiated products in the mind of the customer” Glaskowsky et al. Your ability to SERVICE your customers will be the key between Success and Failure Whats counts most is the SERVICE built into the product way it is designed/delivered billed/bundled explained and installed repaired/renewed SERVICE is not A competitive edge it is THE competitive edge
Relative Importance of Service Activities Consumer Goods Merchandising All Manufacturing All Merchandising Industrial Goods Merchandising Manufacturing All Other Chemicals & Plastics Mfg. Electronics Mfg. All Industries Relative Importance of Marketing Variables Food Mfg. Paper Mfg. Product Price Service Sales Effort TOTAL 36 23 18 100 38 24 20 18 100 38 26 18 100 36 27 15 22 100 48 14 22 16 100 29 26 24 21 100 38 25 22 15 100 30 22 27 21 100 31 23 100 28 17 39 16 100 SERVICE ranks right alongside price in perceived importance by industrial customers Profitability & Market share National Council of Physical Distribution Management
Parallel Product/Service Design Delivery Product Concept Product Design If Services have this much input Design In service systems from the beginning Only when we begin to put service on the same level as Mfg will we begin to see the gains in productivity that have long alluded us!! Service Concept Service Design Service Delivery
The Supply Chain Information C U S T Manufacturing O M E R S Suppliers Tier 2 Suppliers Tier 1 Retailers Distributors C U S T Manufacturing O Inbound Logistics Operations Outbound Logistics M E ---Managing the numerous service functions within the supply chain ---At every stage ----At every level Especially Information Service IS a major Organizational function along the supply chain----^^ R S Information
Manufacturing Distribution Service Intermediary Product Design Service Industries Communications, Transportation, Utilities, Health Care, Banking, etc. R & D Manufacturing Commercial Services User (Self-Service) Distribution Services Wholesaling Retailing Repairing Services Inside the Company--Design, Legal, Accounting Advertising, etc. Service Intermediary Consumer (Self-Service) Product Design Components of SERVICE Interactions Among Manufacturing and Service Activities Purchaser of automated equipment requires more then delivery -installation services -application aids -parts/ post purchase repair maintaence etc. WITH this increasing interdependencies it is now time to give the level of attention to SERVICE functions that has always been reserved formanufacturing Sectors of economy’s are becoming increasingly interdependent Private Business Services Supporting Manufacturing, Accounting, Legal, Consulting, Software, Maintenance Government Support Services Waste Disposal Services, Road Maintenance, Education, Health Support, Standards, Police and Fire Protection, etc.
The Service Revolution “There are no such things as service industries. There are only industries whose service components are greater or less then those of other industries. Everybody is in service” Theodore Levitt The Question to ask yourselves IS How much of a service company are you??? You/You/YOU/YOu/YOU/YOU/YOU/----------- We all are involved in the service sector No one is immune from it’s effects AND shouldn't be (thats why you are here) As manufacturing becomes more automated streamlining operations outsourcing more functions----service is growing Recent studies show that ; **The service component of a typical manufacturer is growing rapidly 30-70% of value Added are attributable to service functions 70% of total costs---- WHY do we still push for shop floor improvements as world economies/businesses evolves preindustrial industrial post industrial a new combination of labor/capital/organization is taking place fewer employees etc.. A few stats
Service and Profitability Reduced operating expenses Competitive differentiation Increased quality Increased efficiency Increased responsiveness Increased market Share Increased customer loyalty A service focus will lead to pro=actively managing the service function as a profit center because it will generate future revenues as the product becomes a commodity. Differentiation and Lower costs Improved transportation /Materials handling CAN/WILL cut costs as effectively as cutting direct labor or material inputs CAD and MFG software can increase quality and Reduce costs as easily as can new equipment Product Quality once the compeitive Advantage is now just the Ante’ Service is not A competitive edge IT IS THE Competitive edge Improved transportation ands materials handling can cut costs as effectively as cutting direct labor or materials. In most mfg. industries service costs out way direct labor costs by a factor of 3-10 to 1, YET we only look at labor and cautiously look at service functions planning/ Q.C./ Distribution accounting /Transportation/ Advertising inventory/ Design
WHy become service driven!!! Contributors to Market Share Market Share Due to Service Activities Market Share Market Share Due to Captive Markets A Service focus will not only reduce current operating expenses and thereby exert considerable leverage on profits, IT will increase customer satisfaction which will increase long-term profitability ---drives customer loyality WHy become service driven!!! 1. To differentiate your company from it’s competitors 2. To build Market Share & customer loyality Over the long-run you can’t maintain market share with unique features alone----your competitors will catch you!!! Only through service and loyal customers will you increase market share. Also: you can’t build market share by cutting price or cutting quality, studies show that in the long run that approach is doomed for failure Service profit chain-----^^^ It is now obvious that a service focus will not only reduce current operating expenses & thereby exert a considerable amount of leverage on profits, but will increase customer satisfaction which will increase market share----which will in turn Increase long-term profitability Lost market share mauy be regained through service--- Market Share Due to Product Features Time
Satisfaction and Loyalty apostle zone of affection 100% 80% zone of indifference 60% Loyalty (Retention) 40% zone of defection Profit growth is stimulated by loyalty A score of 5 is 6X more likly Loyalty is a direct result of satisfaction to repurchase then a score of 4 Satisfaction is driven by value need to create Apostles!!! To max Profits we need to go beyond being #1 or #2 in our Industry which has been the holy grail for nearly 2 decades * New measures show that Customer Loyality may be a more important determinat of profit Studies show that a 5% increase in loyality can produce Profit increases fron 25 to 85% Quality of Market (measures in terms of customer loyalty) deserves as much attention as Quantity of share Depth of relationship So what drives loyality??? Service and customer service = satisfaction 20% terrorist 1 2 3 4 5 Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Very dissatisfied Satisfaction
The New Experience Economy
The Four Realms of an Experience
Experience Design Principles Theme the Experience (Forum shops) Harmonize Impressions with Positive Cues (Fort Lauderdale airport parking garage) Eliminate Negative Cues (Cinemark talking trash containers) Mix in Memorabilia (Hard Rock T-shirts) Engage all Five Senses (Mist in Rainforest)
Role of the Service Manager Entrepreneurial Innovation Capitalizing on Social Trends Management Challenges Economies of Scale (MRI scanner) Economies of Scope(Convenience store) Complexity (Yield Management) Boundary Crossing (Bank vs Brokerage) International Competitiveness(Diversity)
Profits are the result of attention to quality and customer satisfaction, while the reverse is rarely true. Edwards Deming
Discussion Topics Is it possible for an economy to be based entirely on services? Speculate on the effect that the Internet will have on the delivery of services. What is the value of self-service in an economy? What are the implications? Comment on the role that marketing plays in the service innovation process. Illustrate how the type of work he or she does influences a persons lifestyle.