1.04 Exhibit effective leadership skills and a cooperative attitude. A. COURSE ORIENTATION 1.00 Explain the components of Business, Marketing, and Information Technology Education. 1.04 Exhibit effective leadership skills and a cooperative attitude.
Qualities of a Good Leader Gets along well with others. Delegates responsibility and authority. Accepts criticism well. Exhibits self-confidence and poise. Thinks and acts quickly. Dresses neatly.
Qualities of a Good Leader (continued) Respects the opinions of others. Demonstrates organizational skills. Shows knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Expresses appreciation. Possesses a good memory.
Basic Elements Needed to Succeed in the Workplace Respect and cooperation Respect co-workers. Be a conscientious worker. Develop good interpersonal skills. Remember that …. Respect receives respect. Cooperation is contagious.
Basic Elements Needed to Succeed in the Workplace (continued) Positive attitude Helps employees be successful. Helps employers be successful. Helps co-workers be successful. Cooperative work atmosphere Criticize others carefully and constructively. Accept personal criticisms graciously. Learn from mistakes.
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting Begin and end on time. Conduct the meeting according to parliamentary procedure. Purpose: To promote efficient meetings so that business can be conducted in an orderly manner.
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting (continued) Basic principles of parliamentary procedure Courtesy and justice should be extended to everyone. The wishes of the majority must be followed. The rights of the minority must be protected.
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting (continued) The rights of the individual members must be established. The rights of absentees must be protected. Entertain only one motion at a time. Terminology related to parliamentary procedure Assembly: The members present at a meeting. Chair (chairperson): The presiding officer at the meeting.
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting (continued) Decision-making: The ability to make a final decision. Delegating: Assigning or allocating responsibilities, time, or authority to others. Gavel: A small mallet or hammer used by the president to call a meeting to order. Incidental motion: A motion that arises out of a pending motion. Motion: A formal proposal by a member in a meeting on which the group takes action. Second: Indicates endorsement and willingness to discuss the motion and comes immediately following a motion made by another member.
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting (continued) Order of a motion Motion Second Discussion Vote Statement by the chair
Hints for Conducting a Successful Meeting (continued) Committees Formed to handle the business of the organization efficiently. Chairperson(s) appointed by the president. Involve the entire membership in the activities of the organization. Keep the meeting moving at a good pace. Be sure to thank any guests for attending.