Welcome to Open House! Mr. Morris’s Third Grade Class **At the red back round table don’t forget to sign up for: -Parent Conferences -Class parent
About Me This is my 18th year of teaching. I have taught Fifth Grade ,Fourth Grade and, as you know, currently Third Grade. My e-mail address is: -rmorris@hicksvillepublicschools.org
How our class works We have a point system in our class. The class earns points in various ways. If the class earns fifty points by Friday they receive free choice to engage in various activities. The weekly free choice points ,as well, accrue towards party points. The class will earn a type of party for every 600 points totaled.
Class Jobs Each student in the class has a job each week. At the end of the day the students receive two raffle slips for completing their job for the day. I find this helps instill a sense of responsibility in the students.
Star of the Week Each student will be a STAR for a week. The students and dates were randomly chosen, and your child’s date will be e-mailed to you. When it is your child’s special week they will work on their “All About Me” poster at home and bring it in the following Monday. A parent or person special to your child may visit the class during that week to read a picture book or share something if they wish to with the class.
Homework Homework is a very important tool for a teacher. Be assured when homework is given it is NOT busy work. Homework allows your child to review topics learned in class. It allows you to work with your children and see their academic strengths or any difficulties they may be encountering.
Homework The students are given one homework stamp for each assignment completed on time. Once a student fills their homework chart (50 stamps) they receive a free homework pass. To help students accept their role as learners and take responsibility for their education they will use their recess time to complete any incomplete homework assignments. Students should have a designated time and place they work on their homework in their home. Generally homework should take about forty- five minutes to an hour.
Exams Students are notified a few days in advance of an exam. This is done so they may break down their study time and topics across a few days. They should not be “cramming” the night before the exam, this does not help retention of subject matter. Paying attention in class is the number one way they begin the retention process. There a many different ways students can study.
Studying Tips Reading and reviewing (alone or with a partner). Small study groups with their peers. Re-write notes or create their own question cards to test themselves (alone or with a partner). Read notes or textbook pages into a tablet and record them to play back their “notes” to study further. Create a power point of the topics and re-watch it. E-mail or Instant Message their friends from class on-line with questions (quiz one another). Skype or video chat to study with a friend.
Test Folders Periodically you will receive the test folder. Any quizzes or exams taken in this time will be in this folder. Please review the items, sign the folder and send all tests back to school in the folder. If I have any major concerns there will be a test comment sheet in this folder as well. As well feel free to correspond with me by placing a note in the folder with any concerns or questions. ALL TESTS IN THE FOLDER WILL BE ENTERED ON THE ONLINE GRADE BOOK .(PowerSchool) PowerSchool will allow you to access your child’s grades quickly.
Book Reports Students will be required to hand in a monthly book report.(Starting in October) Students have an option of five different types of reports to complete. These grades will be written in test folders. These monthly reports give the students exposure to different types of writing and authors to help broaden their reading skills. BOTH the schedule and instructions can be found on my webpage
Technology The Third Grade will use computer technology throughout the year. The students will become proficient in using Power Point and other programs. We as well use the internet for research projects during the course of the year. The students will hone their web searching skills to find the information they need.
State Exams NYS ELA Assessment (Spring) NYS Math Assessment (Spring) The district’s curriculum is geared towards these state exams.
ELA We will write in many facets of the curriculum. Writer’s Workshop (free writing with individual teacher meetings to help edit skills) Essay writing associated with Social Studies, Science and Reading. ELA practice skills, such as article reading, answer location and re-wording to give a complete answer. Comprehensive grammar skill development.
Math Go Math! process and computation memorize facts manipulative based written explanations (prove understanding)
Nonfiction articles (related to ELA) Science Earth Science Physical Science Life Science Nonfiction articles (related to ELA)
Social Studies-NY State Atlas – ( maps and globes) Communities Around the World An introduction to the Original 13 Colonies. An introduction to the American Revolution & our government. The 50 states.
Scores My students are more than a score. We too often nowadays hear talk of test scores, whether it be a classroom exam or a State exam. I look at my students as a whole. Scores do not define, nor explain, their full abilities and growth. Every child can be guided in learning but they all learn and develop at their own pace.
It’s a partnership If at any time throughout the year you have concerns over scores and wish to understand where they truly stand in their education feel free to contact me so we can discuss openly how they are doing.
Looking Forward I am always here to discuss any concerns you may have about your children. I will return any phone calls and e-mails I receive as quickly as I can. It is difficult to do so during the school day but I will do my best. If you feel a situation arises that requires a face to face meeting we can arrange a meeting that suits us both. I look forward to having a great year with you and your children.