Look backward with gratitude, Look upward with confidence. Vision and Values Look backward with gratitude, Look onward with hope, Look upward with confidence. Photos: Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Caritas, Marcella Haddad, Caroline Irby, Noel Gavin, Jim Stipe, Francais Poidatz, Paul Smith, CRS, CAFOD
Learning together in faith, hope and love! Photos: Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Caritas, Marcella Haddad, Caroline Irby, Noel Gavin, Jim Stipe, Francais Poidatz, Paul Smith, CRS, CAFOD
I have a dream
The Dream of God
The Lord God said: I myself will dream a dream within you;
Good dreaming comes from me, you know.
My dreams seem impossible,
Nor for the cautious man or women; Not too practical Nor for the cautious man or women;
A little risky sometimes, A trifle brash perhaps…
Some of my friends prefer To rest more comfortably in sounder sleep with visionless eye.
But for those who share my dreams I ask a little patience, a lttle humour,
Some small courage, and a listening heart – I will do the rest…
Then they will risk and wonder at their daring;
Run – and marvel at their speed…
Build – and stand in awe at the beauty of their building;
You will meet me often as you work with your companions who share the risk,
In your friends who believe in you enough To lend their own dreams, Their own hands, Their own hearts, to your building.
In the people who will stand in your doorway, Stay awhile. And walk away knowing that they too can find a dream…
There will be sun-filled days and sometimes a little rain.
A little variety! Both come from me.
So come now – be content!. He then began to cry and walked away.
And this is the heart of the matter. It is my dream you dream, My house you build, My caring you witness; My love you share And this is the heart of the matter.
Reading: 1 Peter 1: 13-16 Let your spirit be ready. Be alert, with confidence trust in the grace you will receive when Jesus Christ appears. Like obedient children, do not return to your former life given over to ignorance and passions. Imitate the one who called you. As he is holy so you, too, be holy in all your conduct since Scripture says: Be holy for I am holy. Photos: Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Caritas, Marcella Haddad, Caroline Irby, Noel Gavin, Jim Stipe, Francais Poidatz, Paul Smith, CRS, CAFOD
We have a dream
Learning together in faith, hope and love! Photos: Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Caritas, Marcella Haddad, Caroline Irby, Noel Gavin, Jim Stipe, Francais Poidatz, Paul Smith, CRS, CAFOD
“Love is patient, love is kind “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” 1 Corinthians 13:4
Our mission is to be a Welcoming learning community. To Worship and celebrate God’s love for us. To Witness to this daily. To prioritize the Welfare of our children. To share the Word of God.
We believe educating the whole child is about loving learning and loving children Children being: Caring, Considerate, Communicative, Courteous, Co-operative, Conscientious and Confident learners.
We believe that it is essential to have a fair system of rewards and sanctions to ensure our children make the most of the opportunities we provide them.
Our priority, in relation to our children, is to be committed to high standards: developing the whole child providing consistently high quality teaching & learning every child making good or better progress in their learning every child reaching their full potential
Our priority, in relation to our community, is to serve. “If I, your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you are also able to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example; that you should also do as I have done to you” John 13:14-15
We are dedicated to strengthening partnerships with all our families, other learning organisations and our parish.
As a learning and reflective community we are constantly looking for ways to improve. We continue to build on the successes of last year.
We are fortunate to have a committed and passionate team who are at Christ the King because they love to teach.
We believe in raising children’s aspirations so that they dream big, are motivated to learn and reach their potential. "Dream, Learn, Fly"
And this is the heart of the matter. It is my dream you dream, My house you build, My caring you witness; My love you share And this is the heart of the matter.
Learning together in faith, hope and love! Photos: Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Caritas, Marcella Haddad, Caroline Irby, Noel Gavin, Jim Stipe, Francais Poidatz, Paul Smith, CRS, CAFOD