Walk in the Spirit
Walk in the Spirit When we talk about walking with God there is one brief example that stands out, Enoch. Heb. 11:5 – Enoch pleased God Gen. 6:22-24 – Enoch walked with God Jude 14-15 – the evidence of Enoch’s manner of life
Walk in the Spirit How did Enoch walk with God? Gal. 5:16-26 – walk in Spirit We must walk in the Spirit as Enoch did. He did this by faith.
Walk in the Spirit What does it mean to walk in Spirit? In his letter to the Romans Paul addresses this. Roman 6:1-14 – We died to sin and live in Christ
The world no longer holds a charm for us. Walk in the Spirit The world no longer holds a charm for us. Rom. 8:3-7 – those who live to the flesh have their minds set on the flesh those whose mind is set on the flesh are those who live in the flesh
Walk in the Spirit James 4:4 – a mind set on the flesh is enmity with God Romans 8:8-17 – If we are of the Spirit then we are not of the world. We are as children of God. 2 Cor. 10:3-5 – we literally walk in the flesh but because we walk in the Spirit our warfare is spiritual Phil. 1:27 - Let our conduct be worthy of the gospel
Enoch walked worthy of the gospel that he taught and God took him. Walk in the Spirit The thing we know about Enoch is the gospel that he preached, Jude 14-15. Enoch walked worthy of the gospel that he taught and God took him. If we walk in Spirit in a similar manner we have the same hope; that God will take us.
Are you walking in Spirit? Is your mind set on the things of the flesh? Is your conduct worthy of the gospel? Walk in the Spirit