ENG067 By: Banitha Typhoon Things Fall Apart ENG067 By: Banitha Typhoon
summary Okonkwo and his father unoka Respected men Help his villages Great men Not lazy Popular than his father His father was dead Not a perfect men
Part 1- Chapter 1 Okonkwo and his family Famous wrestler Sleek Powerful Famous band Three wives Has children with his three wife Proud of his daughter Ezinma
Chapter 2 Okonkwo and his son Nwoye Fall asleep Fearless warrior Drinks palm wine from his skull Household is a harsh place Family work painfully for long hours Nwoye was a lazy
Chapter 3 Unoka Not respected Lazy Borrowed money Love Musician Miserable harvest
Chapter 4 Week of the peace began Okonkwo The king was talk about Okonkwo Be one of the lord Achieved fame Showed emotion Week of the peace began Okonkwo Broke the peace Punished
Chapter 8-9 Okonkwo and his daughter Ezinma Not taste any food Not sleep Weak Ezinma was Laying shiver on a mat Suffered good deal with her mother Struggled to escape
Chapter 10 Egwugwu and the evil forest(leader) Powerful Floated on the chaos Represented a village of the clan Evil forest was represented the umueru Rattling stuff into the earth Took the first of the empty stool
Chapter 11 The story of Ekwifi’s and her daughter Painted their bodies with red cam Tortoise had no wings Asked for help Had a sweet tongue First arrival into the meeting Great orator
Chapter 12&13 Obierika , Okonkwo, and Ezeude Celebrating his daughter uri Her suitor having already paid Okonkwo made present of two cocks Ezeude Was Death Great man Ancient drums of death beat, guns and cannon
Part 2- Chapter 14 Uchendu Eldest brother of okonkwo’s mother Surviving member of his family's Also had received okonkwo’s mother Son was marring a new wife Bride-price had seem paid Ask question to Okonkwo about his mother Okonkwo is full of sorrow
Chapter 15 Obierika Brought bags full of cowries Had little band of fugitives His man kill the white men Obierika said that his men need to paid for their foolish Okonkwo was wondering for killing people without saying a word Sold Okonkwo big yams Returned the money to him
Chapter 16&17 Missionaries Built their churches Won a handful of converts Sending evangelist to the surrounding towns Caused a considerable stir Went to the marketplace to preach the gospel Persevered & in the end they received ruler of Mbanta
Chapter 18 and 19 Church in Mbanta Evil forest Clan had assumed that it would not survive Clan was worried Evil forest Undesirable people Rescuing twins from the bush Drove people out
Part 3- Chpater20 Clan was like a lizard Okonkwo Lost his place among the nine masked spirits Lost the chance to lead his warlike clan Lost the year that he might take the highest title First years in exile he pointing for his returned Rebuild his compound Build bigger than he had before
Chapter 21 People in umuofia Many people did not strong White man brought a lunatic religion He also built a trading store White missionaries Firm in restraining flock from provoking Member in particular was very difficult to restrain His father was the priest of the snake cult
Chapter 22 Mr. smith Reverend Different man Believed in slaying the prophets of Baal Great distressed by the ignorance Suspended a young women from church
Chapter 23 For the first time in many years Okonkwo Had feeling that was akin to happiness Altered so unaccountably during his exile Clan turned false on him Ezinma broke the day to visit her future husband family Her father had been imprisoned
Chapter 24 Okonkwo and his fellow prisoners Set free give back their bags Left to their house First man to speak to umuofia Okika Great man an orator
Chapter 25 District commissioner Their life was changes Joint the Christine Give way to the student of primitive customs Now their in peace
Sources: shmoop - http://www.shmoop.com
The End Kommol Tata!