Home Learning Spring 2017 Dosbarth Caernarfon a Dosbarth Taf Week Ending: Friday 14th July 2017 Reminders Fruit snack is available for 20p a day (£1 a week-paid on a Monday). Children are welcome to bring their own fruit if preferred. Please provide a water bottle for your child to have a drink throughout the day in the classroom. This is very important for the children to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled so that it can be identified if it is misplaced. Now that the weather is warmer please ensure the children bring sunhats and sun cream to school to keep them safe in the sun. Week Focus 1 R -Recording 2 E - Exploring 3 C - Collecting 4 O - Observing 5 R - Researching 6 D - Doing PE Kit . Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school. The children will participate in PE indoors and outdoors and will need appropriate clothing and footwear to participate. Home Reading Books Please return any outstanding home reading books. As last week is the last week of term we will not be giving out any more books. This week in maths we have continued to look at column addition. We have used a range of methods and are deciding which work best for us. On Monday the children had their first Move Up Monday and experienced what it will be like in Year 4 in preparation for next year. They will have their final Move Up Monday next week. This week we have also been planning and preparing our mini enterprise projects ready for our market stalls next Wednesday. For this all children are invited to bring in a maximum of £3.50 to spend on market day. In preparation for next weeks market stall, if you have any spare large baking trays that we could borrow (and return next week) it would be greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, Miss Viggers and Mrs Burmingham