Export Documents electronically processing Electronic Certification electronically processing Export Documents Certificates of Origin – Commercial Invoices – Packing Slips
Old Way / New Way The Old Way: The New Way: To export, many countries require a Certificate of Origin which can only be processed legally by a Chamber of Commerce. time consuming manual stamp and signature paper-bound process The New Way: The exporter electronically processes through eCertify fast, accurate, secure, safe, electronic Take a moment to talk about the requirement of Chambers stamping documents. Quick history.
Who is eCertify? An international company with offices in the U.S. and Australia An electronic export document provider used by the nation’s largest Chambers of Commerce (Atlanta, Charleston, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Houston, Los Angles – Chapel Hill) 100% adoption in Australia and New Zealand The Chamber and eCertify work closely with: US Department of Commerce: International Trade Administration, International Chamber of Commerce, and US Council for International Business The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce has been licensed as the only Chamber in North Carolina to offer this service and can process for companies based anywhere in the US. Establishing credibility of eCertify as an industry leader
eCertify: how it works Submitting Document Options: Export documents can be created and submitted in the cloud-based software Uploaded as a completed document in PDF format Sent directly to eCertify through custom export and freight-forwarding software Not super essential for the people in the room to know the HOW, but just a quick overview for them
eCertify: how it works Certifying Documents: Chamber is notified of submission, staff reviews, accepts and applies stamps and signatures to the documents Documents returned to exporter electronically which can then be emailed or printed Not super essential for the people in the room to know the HOW, but just a quick overview for them
Stamped, Signed, Returned - Fast! The whole process can take as little as 5 minutes! Successfully processed over 4000 documents, 90% returned to exporter within 20 minutes of submittal Dang! Look at us we’re quick!
Cloud-based system Easily creating or uploading: Certificates of Origin Commercial Invoices Packing Lists Training and support available, by phone or on-site, direct from our staff as needed Emphasize that this can be done one mac, pc, even tablet or smart phone
Exporter Benefits Eliminate courier costs Fast turnaround time Easy to use Reduce errors Decrease paper use Archived documents Save time and money Emphasizing why this is a huge benefit
Also available Certificate of Free Sale services Currently in paper form Soon to be electronic Making note of this because it seems rare for other chambers to do this
Call Justin Simmons– (919) 967-7075 Register or get more info online: Electronic Certification Let us help you export Call Justin Simmons– (919) 967-7075 Register or get more info online: carolinachamberexport.com Aaron Nelson President & CEO anelson@carolinachamber.org Justin Simmons Vice President jsimmons@carolinachamber.org