Licton Spring’s P-Patch Steering Committee Meeting November 28th, 2012 6:00pm- 8:00pm North Seattle Community College Green Room Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12 Today’s Agenda Introductions (6:05-6:10) Introduction of the new P-Patch Coordinator (6:10-6:15) Recommended Topics (6:15-6:40) A steering committee of 5 to 8 people, drawn heavily from the neighborhood around the school and who commit to the project from beginning to end, Demonstrated support from the neighborhood for this project. This could include pledges of time, neighbors showing up to events, commitments from local institutions (churches, community groups) who ideally will help build the P-Patch and garden in it. An exploration of other uses and partners of the site. There are other models of community gardening, besides individual allotment gardens, for example a food bank/ food share farm or learning gardens via partnership with different organizations. Exploring this option would involve reaching out to groups who do this work. Revised NMF time line and budget that reflect a community engagement focus. Updating the budget (6:40-7:00) Updating the work plan (7:00-7:20) Reviewing Construction Documents(7:30-7:40) Assign Action Items (7:40-7:50) Parting Thoughts (7:50-8:00) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12 Introductions (6:05-6:10) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Welcome to the new P-Patch Coordinator! (6:10-6:15) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Recommended Topics (6:15-6:40) A steering committee of 5 to 8 people, drawn heavily from the neighborhood around the school and who commit to the project from beginning to end, Demonstrated support from the neighborhood for this project. This could include pledges of time, neighbors showing up to events, commitments from local institutions (churches, community groups) who ideally will help build the P-Patch and garden in it. An exploration of other uses and partners of the site. There are other models of community gardening, besides individual allotment gardens, for example a food bank/ food share farm or learning gardens via partnership with different organizations. Exploring this option would involve reaching out to groups who do this work. Revised NMF time line and budget that reflect a community engagement focus. Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Update the Budget (6:40- 7:00) Draft of Former Proposed Budget Budget Item Possible Contractor/Vendor Quote/ Estimated Amount Invasive Removal Labor (Goats!) Amazin' Grazers LLC $1,350.00 Tree Pruning $750.00 Tree Removal $500.00 Invasive Suppression Supplies Seattle Farm Supply $300.00 Earth Moving Terrain- Earl Gracey $6,000.00 Gravel for Service Road The Dirt Exchange $600.00 Plumbing for Irrigation $2,900.00 Marketing Materials LSPP Steering Committee $2,000.00 Outreach Events $3,000.00 Contingency Funds P-Path Trust Fees P-Patch Trust Total $20,000.00 Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Responsible Person/Group Updating the work plan (7:00-7:20) Step/Activity Responsible Person/Group Month Done Year Done Approve Budget and Work plan Steering Committee December 2012 Review Construction Documents Organize work parties P-Patch Coordinator Remove/ Prune Trees P-Patch Coordinator/ Arborist/Contractor Remove Invasives Goats!, P-Patch Coordinator Smother Invasives Volunteers Construct and Install Signage at Site Approve Construction Documents January 2013 Work plan evaluation Host Fundraising Event/ Activity Amy LaZerte Submit Payment 2 to LA Studios February Contract Earth Movers Contract Plumbers Source Path and Raised Beds Materials March Outreach Event Move Earth P-Patch Coordinator/Contractors Lay service road path (weather permitting) P-Patch Coordinator/Contractors/Volunteers Install Plumbing and Water meter Terrace and Install Conventional Beds P-Patch Coordinator/ Volunteers Install Fence April Lay garden paths Build Composting Area Install ADA Beds Submit Payment 3 to LA Studios May Build Shed Create Artistic entry area Add soil to the beds Submit Payment 4 to LA Studios Open the garden to the public Draft of Proposed Work Plan Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Review Construction Documents (7:30-7:40) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Assigning Action Items(7:40-7:50) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12
Parting Thoughts (7:50-8:00) Licton Springs P-Patch Steering Commitee Meeting 11.28.12