Title: Uses and Management of the Temporate Deciduous woodland My Learning Outcomes: LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest LO3 – To evaluate 3 different management strategies of the temperate deciduous forest
Temperate deciduous woodlands LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest Starter: 2 mins with your partner to come up with as many uses as you can of a Temporate Deciduous Woodland… Landscape: woods have tremendous scenic value - many areas are protected by preservation orders. Why? Timber production: What for? Commercial Value: How is the forest used commercially? The main uses of Temperate deciduous woodlands Recreation: How do local people use it for recreation? Game management: e.g. Sandringham estate What is this? Habitat for birds and animals: particular woods may harbour certain species and have SSSI and similar status. As a Tourist Attraction: What are the attractions? SSSI Status – Site of Special Scientific Interest Finished? What problems or conflicts might arise between people visiting the forest?
WHY? Discuss! From This… to this!... Why was there recently so much uproar when it was suggested that The Forestry Commission might sell off some of the forests to private ownership? What were the main issues? Which groups would have been in favour of the proposals? Who was likely to be against? What is your opinion? From This… to this!... WHY? Discuss! LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest
Title: Uses and Management of the Temporate Deciduous woodland My Learning Outcomes: LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest LO3 – To evaluate 3 different management strategies of the temperate deciduous forest
Q) Describe what the map is showing:_______ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task: Partner Map Description and analysis What do you notice? (think of population, climate) 2. What has happened to most of the woodland? (think of the change in colour) 3. Why is much of the land used for coniferous/soft wood forests rather than deciduous woodland? LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest
Q) Describe what the map is showing (4 marks) Answers: Discussion 1. What do you notice? (very patchy, small areas, less than 5% of the UK has forest cover) 2. What has happened to most of the woodland? (removed for Agriculture) 3. Why is much of the land used for coniferous/soft wood forests rather than deciduous woodland? (More profitable, trees grow quicker-takes over 100 years for an oak tree to grow, but 30 years for a pine tree) LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest
Title: Uses and Management of the Temporate Deciduous woodland My Learning Outcomes: LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest LO3 – To evaluate 3 different management strategies of the temperate deciduous forest
Task: Partner DISCUSSION Deciduous Forest Management Strategies What is this? Why do we do this? How is it sustainable? Coppicing What is this? Why do we do this? How is it sustainable? Pollarding What is this? Why do we do this? How is it sustainable? Felling LO3 – To evaluate 3 different management strategies of the temperate deciduous forest
Title: Uses and Management of the Temporate Deciduous woodland My Learning Outcomes: LO1 - To identify the main uses of the Temperate deciduous forest LO2 - To describe patterns on a map of the temperate deciduous forest LO3 – To evaluate 3 different management strategies of the temperate deciduous forest
Understanding Temporate Deciduous Woodlands Extension / Homework QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by pollarding? Coppicing? Controlled felling? Sustainable management? 2. Climate is the driving force in the temperate deciduous forest ecosystem. Is this true? Give reasons for your answer 3. State one benefit of deciduous woodland under the headings : environmental, economic, social 4. Why is it necessary for woodland areas to be managed? What would happen if they weren’t? What problems are faced by the Forestry Commission in managing Britain’s woodlands? 5. Explain what happens to the soil and animals if large areas of woodland are cleared? 6. Why is it a good idea for the UK to produce more timber? Why does this require long term planning?