Good Morning! NVC/Congo Essay/Permission Slip reminder Resisting Imperialism: Ethiopia Essential Questions: How was Ethiopia able to defeat Italy at the Battle of Adwa? Homework: Submit permission slip to participate in Stanford study
Battle of Adwa (1896)
Battle of Adwa Read over Document B. Are the reasons it gives for the Ethiopian victory at Adwa similar to or different from the reasons in Document A?
Textbook Comparison Document A Document B United States textbook United States of America textbook Menelik II emperor of Ethiopia is most responsible for the victory Plays western countries against each other to stall for time Buys modern weapons from Russia and France Modernized army helps them win the battle United States textbook Matching European firepower Menelik modernizes the Ethiopian military Larger army for the Ethiopians Modernization still the decisive factor
Textbook Comparison American Textbooks Ethiopian Textbook Modernized army and technology, and superior army allows Ethiopians to win American viewpoint that technology is supreme? America is unbiased, neutral, and telling the truth America is biased towards European imperialism and is making excuses Ethiopians had courage Ethiopians were poorly armed and poorly trained, but had full support of their people “the power of friendship” worse in every way, but had full support of the people Ethiopian women helped supply water and arms, and provided healing and encouragement
Conclusion Why do you think the textbooks all say different things? Why can’t they agree on why the Ethiopians won the battle of Adwa? Do you think one is more reliable than the others?