Chapter 26 Open-Ended Questions


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 26 Open-Ended Questions

Invaders 1000-1300 and Long lasting Effects Changes brought by each group: Seljuks Weakened Byzantine empire Mongols Strengthen trade between Asia, India and Middle East Crusaders Increased European interest in Asia Increased knowledge/trade/new products to Europe

Strengths of Ottoman Empire Skillful Government: Flexible, Tolerant, Bureaucracy Control of trade: location Wealth From Trade and taxes Superior Technology – diffusion

Europeans Weaken Ottoman Empire All water route around Africa to Asia for trade Wealth from the Discovery of the Americas – gold and silver Industrial Revolution European Imperialism and Nationalism

Patterns of Life Nomad City Village

Similarity between Atatürk, Muhammad Ali and Reza Khan they all tried to create modern industrialized nations and end foreign influence Nationalist Leaders

Essay: Changing Patterns of Life Describe several key characteristics of ONE of the traditional patterns of life that developed in the Middle East and changes that have occurred because of modernization. Be sure to include information about the family. Minimum 5 details about a Traditional Pattern of Life include Family, children, and women Minimum 5 details changes about a Traditional Pattern of Life include Family, children, and women