Rexburg Historical Buildings Committee & Rexburg Arts Council Tabernacle Committee, Romance Committee
Reorganize Committees The Romance Theater and Rexburg Tabernacle Committees will be dissolved A Historical Buildings Committee will be formed to manage the restoration and upkeep of these buildings The Committee will consist primarily of City Staff, with 2 or 3 community members. The Committee will meet quarterly.
Rexburg Historical Buildings Committee The Rexburg Historical Buildings Committee will: Evaluate the Romance Theater and Rexburg Tabernacle to: Ensure the buildings are Safe and Structurally Sound Its uses are in keeping with the needs of the Community Renovate the Romance Theater in “phases”, and provide the expertise to implement the phases: Determine if an outside consultant is needed Renovate lobby, add ADA bathroom, and move bathrooms downstairs Paint/restore Auditorium Paint Plaster work Seating HV/AC Changing rooms under the stairs Stage/Lighting/Sound
Rexburg Arts Council The Arts Council continues as an advisory Committee The Mayor appoints a new council with a balanced cross section of the Arts The City advertises openings for the Arts Council First meeting of the Arts Council is January 1st, 2016 (see by-laws) The Council must choose it officers and attend its meetings The Council is expected to manage and provide support for its events The Council is expected to schedule its events in by the July prior to the the “Arts Season”
Arts Council Budgeted City Subsidy All events, including “arts council sponsored events” are charged for the services provided (i.e. Rents, sound and lights, cleaning, etc.), which is covered through a transfer from the general fund. The City of Rexburg should provide a budgeted amount to be transferred from the General Fund to cover expenses related to events by the Arts Council This will give the Arts Council a budgeted “target” to plan its events The budgeted City Subsidy will be approved annually by the City Council Suggested budget would be: $5,000 for the Romance Theater and $2,000 for the Tabernacle
Other Arts Programs The City of Rexburg will continue to sponsor and maintain the Rexburg Tabernacle Orchestra, the Teton Flood Museum, and any “arts” type programs that are currently run through the Recreation Department. The “Cultural Director” will continue to manage the Romance Theater and Rexburg Tabernacle and will retain the ability to hire, sponsor or support events and groups that will encourage the “arts”, build and maintain an audience at those venues, and generate cost covering revenue for the City.
Museum Curator and Cultural Director Staff recommends that we postpone hiring the proposed “Museum Curator and Cultural Director” position We suggest hiring a part-time venue manager until a decision can be made The Madison County Historical Society has indicated a willingness to provide supervision of the Teton Flood Museum Oversight by a Historical Society “Historian” Museum could be operated by minimum wage part-time, or volunteer, Docents