Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


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Presentation transcript:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions National and European Funding Opportunities "European University Institute" February 2017 Frank Marx, Deputy Head of Unit, Research Executive Agency

Horizon 2020

Excellence Research Training Skills Mobility Budget 2014-2020: MSCA in H2020 Excellence Research Training Skills Mobility Budget 2014-2020: € 6.162 billion

MSCA Objectives Attract and retain research talent in Europe Develop state-of-the-art, innovative training schemes, consistent with the requirements of R&I Promote sustainable career development in R&I Focus on delivering new knowledge and skills Back up strong partnership with MS via co-funding mechanism

Key Features development of knowledge and enhancement of skills excellent and innovative research training attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility bottom-up approach openness to all career stages strong participation of industry, i.e. SMEs

And Principles European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Ethical aspects Gender balance Public outreach activities

Other socio-economic actors Who can participate? Academia Business and non-academia Public or private High Education Institutions awarding academic degrees Public or private non-profit research organisations International European interest organisations Broad definition: Any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector definition International European interest organisation = an international organisation in which the majority of members are EU Member States or Associated countries, and whose principal objective is to promote scientific and technological cooperation in Europe. Examples: CERN and EMBL HEI = Higher Education Institutions Other socio-economic actors: NGOs, hospitals, museums, galleries etc. Universities Non-profit research institutes IEIOs Industry SMEs Other socio-economic actors

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions ITN Innovative Training Networks IF Individual Fellowships RISE Research and Innovation Staff Exchange COFUND European Researchers Night is a yearly event aimed at promoting science and research in general public and especially for younger generations. Its goal is to increase the visibility of attractive elements of research careers and to raise awareness about the importance of research and innovation for the modern societies. Any organisation in a EU member state or an associated country can apply for funding under NIGHT. European Researchers' NIGHT

Which MSCA should you choose?

Innovative Training Networks ITN ITN Innovative Training Networks Objective To train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. To raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, incorporating the elements of Open Science and equipping researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences. To provide enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set. ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: maximum 4 years Fellowships of 3-36 months Separate multidisciplinary panels for EID and EJD Maximum 540 researcher-months per consortium , except in the case of an EID with 2 partners, but I will come to that on the next slide

ITN features ITN Only for early stage researchers Fellowships of 3-36 months Project duration up to 4 years Maximum 540 researcher-months Budget for 2017 call: € 430 Million (EID: 28 M€, EJD 32 M€ ) 3 different modalities: ETN, EID, EJD ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: maximum 4 years Fellowships of 3-36 months Separate multidisciplinary panels for EID and EJD Maximum 540 researcher-months per consortium , except in the case of an EID with 2 partners, but I will come to that on the next slide

ITN ETN - European Training Networks at least 3 beneficiaries from 3 different EU MS or AC. Above this minimum any country can participate EID - European Industrial Doctorates at least 2 beneficiaries established in 2 different MS or AC. At least one beneficiary must come from the non-academic sector, primarily enterprise. Each researcher - enrolled in a doctoral programme and spend at least 50% in the non-academic sector. The joint supervision of fellows by supervisors from each sector is mandatory. EJD - European Joint Doctorates at least 3 beneficiaries from different EU MS or AC which are entitled to award doctoral degrees. creation of joint doctoral programmes, leading to the delivery of joint, double or multiple doctoral degrees.

Individual Fellowships IF IF Individual Fellowships Objective To enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility. ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: 2 years (IF Global: 3 years) Support to experienced researchers of any nationality (IF Global and IF Reintegration: nationals of EU MS/AC and long-term residents) Focus on career development potential, not experience per se Additional 3 or 6 month secondment option, within Europe and in another sector Separate multidisciplinary panels for CAR and Reintegration Same award sub-criteria for all proposals

IF features IF European Fellowships & Global Fellowships Career Restart Panel - resume a career of individual researchers after break Reintegration Panel - supports the return into Europe and reintegration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked there Society and Enterprise panel – in non-academic institution – working on R&I projects (since 2016) Only for experienced researchers Duration: 2 years (Global Fellowships: 3 years) Budget for 2017 call: € 248,70 Million (GF: 33,7 M€, SE: 10 M€) ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: 2 years (IF Global: 3 years) Support to experienced researchers of any nationality (IF Global and IF Reintegration: nationals of EU MS/AC and long-term residents) Focus on career development potential, not experience per se Additional 3 or 6 month secondment option, within Europe and in another sector Separate multidisciplinary panels for CAR and Reintegration Same award sub-criteria for all proposals

Society and Enterprise Panel IF European Fellowships Reintegration Panel Career Restart Panel Global Fellowships Outgoing phase – 2 years Return phase – 1 year ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: 2 years (IF Global: 3 years) Support to experienced researchers of any nationality (IF Global and IF Reintegration: nationals of EU MS/AC and long-term residents) Focus on career development potential, not experience per se Additional 3 or 6 month secondment option, within Europe and in another sector Separate multidisciplinary panels for CAR, Reintegration and Society and Enterprise Same award sub-criteria for all proposals Society and Enterprise Panel

Society and Enterprise Panel IF Society and Enterprise Panel Beneficiary only from non-academic sector Mobility rule = not more than 3 years in the last 5 years in the country of the beneficiary Budget of € 10 Million In the MSCA Work Programme 2016-2017 a new panel of European Fellowship was introduced. 10 million for Society and Enterprise Panel introduces around 5% of the IF-EF overall budget.

RISE Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Objective To strengthen the interaction between academic and non-academic organisations, and between Europe and third countries Research projects implemented through research and innovation staff exchanges International and inter-sector transfer of knowledge and sharing of ideas and of R&I culture ADDITIONAL INFO: Minimum eligibility condition: participants in 3 different countries (at least 2 MS/AC) Duration of projects: maximum 4 years Maximum 540 researcher-months per consortium Partnership agreement recommended Support to secondments of staff members (1-12 months) Eligibility condition for staff member: 6 month at the sending institution prior to the first secondment

RISE RISE features Staff members eligibility condition: at least 6 months at the sending institution prior to first secondment Secondments from 1 to 12 months Project duration up to 4 years Maximum 540 researcher-months Budget for 2017 call: € 80 Million ADDITIONAL INFO: Minimum eligibility condition: participants in 3 different countries (at least 2 MS/AC) Duration of projects: maximum 4 years Maximum 540 researcher-months per consortium Partnership agreement recommended Support to secondments of staff members (1-12 months) Eligibility condition for staff member: 6 month at the sending institution prior to the first secondment

Two different set-ups : RISE Two different set-ups : MS/AC 1 MS/AC 2 TC + INTERNATIONAL Academic Non-Academic MS/AC 1 MS/AC 2 + MS/AC 3 EUROPEAN Exchanges between European organisations (MS/AC) are possible if there are established in different countries and are from different sectors. Intra-European secondments within the same sector or within the same country are not eligible for funding and must not be listed in the proposal (neither part A or Part B). Secondments between MS/AC and TC are not dependent on the sector of the organisations. Secondments from a TC to a MS/AC are only eligible for funding for some TC (listed in Annex A of the WP). However, all secondments from TC to MS/AC must be indicated in the proposal as they will have an influence on the evaluation, even for those not eligible for EU funding. Secondments between TCs or within the same TC have no influence on the evaluation and therefore must not be included in the proposal (neither part A or Part B).

COFUND Objective COFUND To stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development, spreading the best practices of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career. ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: 3 to 5 years Maximum € 10 Million per single applicant per call Legal entities established in MS or AC, and international European interest organisations Fellowships: minimum 3 months Opportunities for researchers from all countries Researchers to comply with the mobility rules of the MSCA Doctoral Programmes Training follows the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training. Collaboration with a wider set of partners, including from the non-academic sector, which may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training. Fellowships Programmes Regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates allowing a fair competition between applying researchers. The selections should be based on open, widely advertised competition, with transparent international peer review and selection of candidates on merits. Avoid limitations regarding the researchers' origin and destination (bottom-up) Proposed programmes are encouraged to cover all research disciplines

COFUND features COFUND Mono-beneficiary: organisation funding or managing doctoral or post- doctoral programmes Duration of projects: maximum 5 years Duration of fellowships: minimum 3 months Budget for 2017 call: € 80 Million (DP: 30 M€ ) ADDITIONAL INFO: Duration of projects: 3 to 5 years Maximum € 10 Million per single applicant per call Legal entities established in MS or AC, and international European interest organisations Fellowships: minimum 3 months Opportunities for researchers from all countries Researchers to comply with the mobility rules of the MSCA Doctoral Programmes Training follows the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral Training. Collaboration with a wider set of partners, including from the non-academic sector, which may provide hosting or secondment opportunities or training. Fellowships Programmes Regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates allowing a fair competition between applying researchers. The selections should be based on open, widely advertised competition, with transparent international peer review and selection of candidates on merits. Avoid limitations regarding the researchers' origin and destination (bottom-up) Proposed programmes are encouraged to cover all research disciplines

Fellowship Programmes COFUND Leverage funding and combat fragmentation (possible synergies with ESIF) EU contribution to cover living allowances for researchers and management costs – limited to 10 M€ per beneficiary per call 50% co-funding for established unit costs Minimum living allowance fixed in the WP Doctoral Programmes Early stage researchers Fellowship Programmes Experienced researchers

RISE MSCA Financial overview ITN IF COFUND Research, networking, training costs 1800 € Management and indirect costs 700 € Top-up allowance 2000 € RISE Research, networking, training costs 1800 € Management and indirect costs 1200 € Living allowance* 3110 € Mobility allowance 600 € Family allowance 500 € ITN Research, networking, training costs 800 € Management and indirect costs 500 € Living allowance* 4650 € Mobility allowance 600 € Family allowance 500 € IF Management costs 325 € Living allowance Early-stage researchers 1855 € Living allowance Experienced researchers 2625 € COFUND The living allowance base rate is multiplied by Country Correction Coefficient

MSCA Calls 2016-2017 ITN IF RISE COFUND 15/09/2016 – 10/01/2017 EUR 430 million IF 11/04/2017 – 14/09/2017 EUR 248 million RISE 01/12/2016 – 05/04/2017 EUR 80 million COFUND 05/04/2017 – 28/09/2017 The deadlines for each call are expected to be similar in the next work programme. Therefore don't worry if you miss the last one, new should come.

Who can help you?

NCP – National Contact Point Your country MSCA

IPR Helpdesk for IPR-related issues

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Website Horizon 2020 Participant Portal (applications) European Charter and Code for Researchers How to find partners

Thank you for your attention!