Thinking Interactively with Visualizations Remco Chang UNC Charlotte Charlotte Visualization Center
Role of Interaction Most people in the visualization community believe that interactivity is essential for visualization and visual analytics: “A [visual] analysis session is more of a dialog between the analyst and the data… the manifestation of this dialog is the analyst’s interactions with the data representation” [Thomas & Cook 2005] “Without interaction, [a visualization] technique or system becomes a static image or autonomously animated images” [Yi et al. 2007]
Role of Interaction However, there has been limited research in visualization specific to interaction and techniques [Yi et al. 2007] “Interaction is often relegated to a secondary role in these articles. Interaction rarely is the main focus of research efforts in the field, essentially making it the “little brother” of Infovis” The goal of this talk is to consider the role of interaction in computer graphics, information visualization, and visual analytics. First, we think about what interactivity is and how to make a visualization interactive.
Offline Rendering
Offline Rendering Master’s Thesis -- Modeling the dynamic motion based on kinematic motion Jiggling of muscles “Skinnable Mesh” Volumetric deformation Mass-spring models 2nd order constraint Approximate finite element method (FEM) with implicit integration Took all night to render a 500-frame (10 second) sequence NOT at all interactive…
Thinking about Interactivity in Graphics 12 frames per second appears “smooth” to most people Or, render a frame under 0.08 second For complex scenes with lots of polygons (information) Simplify the scene Levels of Detail (LOD)
Urban Simplification (left) Original model, 285k polygons (center) e=100, 129k polygons (45% of original) (right) e=1000, 53k polygons (18% of original) R. Chang et al., Legible simplification of textured urban models. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28(3):27–36, 2008. R. Chang et al., Hierarchical simplification of city models to maintain urban legibility. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches, page 130 , 2006.
Visually different, but quantitatively similar! Urban Simplification Which polygons to remove? Original Model Simplified Model using QSlim Our Textured Model Our Model Visually different, but quantitatively similar!
Urban Simplification The goal is to retain the “Image of the City” Based on Kevin Lynch’s concept of “Urban Legibility” [1960] Paths: highways, railroads Edges: shorelines, boundaries Districts: industrial, historic Nodes: Time Square in NYC Landmarks: Empire State building
Urban Visualization with Semantics How do people think about a city? Describe New York… Response 1: “New York is large, compact, and crowded.” Response 2: “The area where I live there has a strong mix of ethnicities.” Geometric, Information, View Dependent (Cognitive)
Urban Visualization Geometric Information View Dependence (Cognitive) Create a hierarchy of shapes based on the rules of legibility Information Matrix view and Parallel Coordinates show relationships between clusters and dimensions View Dependence (Cognitive) Uses interaction to alter the position of focus R. Chang et al., Legible cities: Focus-dependent multi-resolution visualization of urban relationships. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics , 13(6):1169–1175, 2007
The Role of Interaction in Visualization We can use interactions to… [Yi et al. 2007] Select: mark something as interesting Explore: show me something else Reconfigure: show me a different arrangement Encode: show me a different representation Abstract/Elaborate: show me more or less detail Filter: show me something conditionally Connect: show me related items In other words, we can use interactions to think.
(1) WireVis: Financial Fraud Analysis In collaboration with Bank of America Looks for suspicious wire transactions Currently beta-deployed at WireWatch Visualizes 15 million transactions over 1 year Uses interaction to coordinate four perspectives: Keywords to Accounts Keywords to Keywords Keywords/Accounts over Time Account similarities (search by example)
(1) WireVis: Financial Fraud Analysis Search by Example (Find Similar Accounts) Heatmap View (Accounts to Keywords Relationship) Keyword Network (Keyword Relationships) Strings and Beads (Relationships over Time) R. Chang et al., Scalable and interactive visual analysis of financial wire transactions for fraud detection. Information Visualization,2008. R. Chang et al., Wirevis: Visualization of categorical, time-varying data from financial transactions. IEEE VAST, 2007.
(2) Investigative GTD Collaboration with U. Maryland’s DHS Center of Excellence START (Study of Terrorism And Response to Terrorism) Global Terrorism Database (GTD) International terrorism activities from 1970-1997 60,000 incidents recorded over 120 dimensions Visualization is designed to be “investigative” in that it is modeled after the 5 W’s: Who, what, where, when, and [why] Interaction allows the user to adjust one or more of the W’s and see how that affects the other W’s
(2) Investigative GTD Who Where What Evidence Box Original Data When R. Chang et al., Investigative Visual Analysis of Global Terrorism, Journal of Computer Graphics Forum (Eurovis), 2008.
(2) Investigative GTD: Revealing Global Strategy This group’s attacks are not bounded by geo-locations but instead, religious beliefs. Its attack patterns changed with its developments. WHY ?
(2) Investigative GTD: Discovering Unexpected Temporal Pattern A geographically-bounded entity in the Philippines. Domestic Group The ThemeRiver shows its rise and fall as an entity and its modus operandi. An examination of the ThemeRiver however, shows an interesting temporal pattern in Organization B's activities. It appears that while Organization B was indeed active during the '80s, it stopped operating entirely in 1992. This unexpected temporal behavior, unfortunately, cannot be explained using only the data within the GTD. In order to find out what happened in 1992 in the Philippines. we turn to newspaper archives and found out that in 1992 Fidel Ramos became the twelfth president of the Philippines, and immediately offered peace treaties to various terrorist groups including Organization
(3) iPCA: Interactive PCA Quick Refresher of PCA Find most dominant eigenvectors as principle components Data points are re-projected into the new coordinate system For reducing dimensionality For finding clusters For many (especially novices), PCA is easy to understand mathematically, but difficult to understand “semantically”.
(3) iPCA: Interactive PCA R. Chang et al., iPCA: An Interactive System for PCA-based Visual Analytics. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurovis), 2009. To Appear.
(3) Evaluation – iPCA vs. SAS/INSIGHT Results A bit more accurate People don’t “give up” Not faster Overall preference Using letter grades (A through F) with “A” representing excellent and F a failing grade.
If (Interactions == Thinking)… What is in a user’s interactions? If (interactions == thinking), what can we learn from the user’s interactions? Is it possible to extract “thinking” from “interactions”?
What is in a User’s Interactions? Keyboard, Mouse, etc Input Visualization Human Output Images (monitor) Types of Human-Visualization Interactions Word editing (input heavy, little output) Browsing, watching a movie (output heavy, little input) Visual Analysis (closer to 50-50)
What is in a User’s Interactions? Goal: determine if there really is “thinking” in a user’s interactions. Grad Students (Coders) Compare! (manually) Analysts Strategies Methods Findings Guesses of Analysts’ thinking Logged (semantic) Interactions WireVis Interaction-Log Vis
What’s in a User’s Interactions From this experiment, we find that interactions contains at least: 60% of the (high level) strategies 60% of the (mid level) methods 79% of the (low level) findings R. Chang et al., Recovering Reasoning Process From User Interactions. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2009. R. Chang et al., Evaluating the Relationship Between User Interaction and Financial Visual Analysis. IEEE Symposium on VAST, 2009.
What’s in a User’s Interactions Why are these so much lower than others? (recovering “methods” at about 15%) Only capturing a user’s interaction in this case is insufficient.
Lessons Learned We have proven that a great deal of an analyst’s “thinking” in using a visualization is capturable and extractable. Using semantic interaction capturing, we might be able to collect all the thinking of expert analysts and create a knowledge database that is useful for Training: many domain specific analytics tasks are difficult to teach Guidance: use existing knowledge to guide future analyses Verification, and validation: go back and check to see if everything was done right. But not all visualizations are interactive, and not all thinking is reflected in the interactions. A model of how and what to capture in a visualization for extracting an analyst’s thinking process is necessary. Work is currently in submission to IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics (part of InfoVis 2009)
Conclusion Interactions are important for visualization and visual analysis In considering interactions, one must be aware of the necessary speed and frame rate of the displays. Techniques such as simplification, LOD, or approximation can be used. Interactions have been proven to help the understanding of complex problems. Relevant interactions have been integrated in multiple visualizations for different domains and demonstrated significant impact. Capturing and storing analysts’ interactions have great potential They can be aggregated to become a “knowledge database” that has traditionally been difficult to create manually.
Discussion What interactivity is not good for: Presentation YMMV = “your mileage may vary” Reproducibility: Users behave differently each time. Evaluation is difficult due to opportunistic discoveries.. Often sacrifices accuracy iPCA – SVD takes time on large datasets, use iterative approximation algorithms such as onlineSVD. WireVis – Clustering of large datasets is slow. Either pre-compute or use more trivial “binning” methods.
Discussion Interestingly, It doesn’t save you time… And it doesn’t make a user more accurate in performing a task. However, there are empirical evidence that using interactivity: Users are more engaged (don’t give up) Users prefer these systems over static (query-based) systems Users have a faster learning curve We need better measurements to determine the “benefits of interactivity”
Future Work Urban Visualization Applying Interaction in visualizations Visualizing a Semantic City. An ideal goal would be to have a “semantic” Google Map that shows more than street layouts, but describes neighborhood characteristics. Further studies on what a “cognitive map” is and how a person gains and maintains spatial awareness. Applying Interaction in visualizations Pending NSF proposal applies visualization to studying science policies Another pending NSF proposal applies visualization to studying and cause and effects of civil strife A DHS proposal to examine “the benefits of interactions”… Interaction Capturing (Provenance) Work with Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) on the Active Reports project. Attempt to create an API or XML structure for capturing and storing relevant semantic interactions that is generalizable to all visualizations.
Thank you!
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Journal Publications (11) Visualization Urban Visualization Remco Chang, Thomas Butkiewicz, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Zachary Wartell, Nancy Pollard, and William Ribarsky. Legible simplification of textured urban models. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28(3):27–36, 2008. Thomas Butkiewicz, Remco Chang, Zachary Wartell, and William Ribarsky. Visual analysis of urban change. Computer Graaphics Forum, 27(3):903–910, 2008. Thomas Butkiewicz, Remco Chang, William Ribarsky, and Zachary Wartell. Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains, chapter Visual Analysis of Urban Terrain Dynamics, pages 151– 169. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, 2007. Remco Chang, Ginette Wessel, Robert Kosara, Eric Sauda, and William Ribarsky. Legible cities: Focus-dependent multi-resolution visualization of urban relationships. Visualization and Computer Graaphics, IEEE Transactions on, 13(6):1169–1175, Nov.-Dec. 2007. Visualization and Visual Analytics Dong Hyun Jeong, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Brian Fisher, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. iPCA: An interactive system for PCA-based visual analytics. Computer Graphics Forum, 2009. to appear. Remco Chang, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Tera Marie Green, and William Ribarsky. Defining insight for visual analytics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29(2):14–17, 2009. Remco Chang, Alvin Lee, Mohammad Ghoniem, Robert Kosara, William Ribarsky, Jing Yang, Evan Suma, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Daniel Kern, and Agus Sudjianto. Scalable and interactive visual analysis of financial wire transactions for fraud detection. Information Visualization, 7:63–76(14), 2008. Xiaoyu Wang, Erin Miller, Kathleen Smarick, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Investigative visual analysis of global terrorism database. Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3):919–926, 2008. Provenance Wenwen Dou, Dong Hyun Jeong, Felesia Stukes, William Ribarsky, Heather Richter Lipford, and Remco Chang. Recovering reasoning process from user interactions. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2009. to appear Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Interface Designs Thomas Butkiewicz, Wenwen Dou, Zachary Wartell, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Multi-focused geospatial analysis using probes. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 14(6):1165–1172, Nov.-Dec. 2008. Dong Hyun Jeong, Chang Song, Remco Chang, and Larry Hodges. User experimentation: An evaluation of velocity control techniques in immersive virtual environments. Springer-Verlag Virtual Reality, 13(1):41–50, Mar. 2009.
Conference/Workshop (19) Wenwen Dou, Dong Hyun Jeong, Felesia Stukes, William Ribarsky, Heather Richter Lipford, and Remco Chang. Comparing usage patterns of domain experts and novices in visual analytical tasks. In ACM SIGCHI Sensemaking Workshop 2009, 2009. Xiaoyu Wang, Wenwen Dou, Rashna Vatcha, Wanqiu Liu, Shen-En Chen, Seok-Won Lee, Remco Chang, and William Ribarsky. Knowledge integrated visual analysis of bridge safety and maintenance. In Defense, Security and Sensing 2009, 2009. to appear. Xiaoyu Wang, Wenwen Dou, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Integration of heterogeneous processes through visual analytics. In Defense, Security and Sensing 2009, 2009. to appear. Michael Butkiewicz, Thomas Butkiewicz, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Integrating timeseries visualizations within parallel coordinates for exploratory analysis of incident databases. In Defense, Security and Sensing 2009, 2009. to appear. Thomas Butkiewicz, Dong Hyun Jeong, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Hierarchical multitouch selection techniques for collaborative geospatial analysis. In Defense, Security and Sensing 2009, 2009. to appear. Dong Hyun Jeong, Remco Chang, and William Ribarsky. An alternative definition and model for knowledge visualization. In IEEE Visualization Workshop on Knowledge Assisted Visualization, 2008. Xiaoyu Wang, Wenwen Dou, Seok won Lee, William Ribarsky, and Remco Chang. Integrating visual analysis with ontological knowledge structure. In IEEE Visualization Workshop on Knowledge Assisted Visualization, 2008. Dong Hyun Jeong, Wenwen Dou, Felesia Stukes, William Ribarsky, Heather Richter Lipford, and Remco Chang. Evaluating the relationship between user interaction and financial visual analysis. In Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2008. VAST 2008. IEEE Symposium on, 2008. Ginette Wessel, Remco Chang, and Eric Sauda. Towards a new (mapping of the) city: Interactive, data rich modes of urban legibility. In Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2008. Ginette Wessel, Remco Chang, and Eric Sauda. Visualizing gis: Urban form and data structure. In Dietmar Froehlick and Michaele Pride, editors, Seeking the City: Visionaries on the Margins, 96th Annual Conference of Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), pages 378–384. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2008. Ginette Wessel, Eric Sauda, and Remco Chang. Urban visualization: Urban design and computer visualization. In CAADRIA 2008 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, pages 409–416, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 9-12, 2008. Thomas Butkiewicz, Remco Chang, Zachary Wartell, and William Ribarsky. Visual analysis for live lidar battlefield change detection. volume 6983, page 69830B. SPIE, 2008. Josh Jones, Remco Chang, Thomas Butkiewicz, and William Ribarsky. Visualizing uncertainty for geographical information in the global terrorism database. volume 6983, page 69830E. SPIE, 2008. Alex Godwin, Remco Chang, Robert Kosara, and William Ribarsky. Visual analysis of entity relationships in the global terrorism database. volume 6983, page 69830G. SPIE, 2008. Thomas Butkiewicz, Remco Chang, Zachary Wartell, and William Ribarsky. Analyzing sampled terrain volumetrically with regard to error and geologic variation. volume 6495, page 64950O. SPIE, 2007. Remco Chang, Mohammad Ghoniem, Robert Kosara, William Ribarsky, Jing Yang, Evan Suma, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Daniel Kern, and Agus Sudjianto. Wirevis: Visualization of categorical, time-varying data from financial transactions. In Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2007. VAST 2007. IEEE Symposium on, pages 155–162, 30 2007-Nov. 1 2007. Remco Chang, Thomas Butkiewicz, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Zachary Wartell, Nancy Pollard, and William Ribarsky. Hierarchical simplification of city models to maintain urban legibility. In SIGGRAPH ’06: ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches, page 130, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM. Remco Chang, Robert Kosara, Alex Godwin, and William Ribarsky. Towards a role of visualization in social modeling. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Technosocial Predictive Analytics, 2009. to appear. Ginette Wessel, Eric Sauda, and Remco Chang. Mapping understanding:Transforming topographic maps into cognitive maps. GeoVis Hamburg Workshop, 2009.
Grants Awarded (3) NSF SciSIP: NSF BCS: DHS International Program: A Visual Analytics Approach to Science and Innovation Policy. PI: William Ribarsky, Co-PIs: Jim Thomas, Remco Chang, Jing Yang. $746,567. 2009-2012 (3 years). NSF BCS: Collaborative Project: Terror, Conflict Processes, Organizations, & Ideologies: Completing the Picture. PI: Remco Chang $100,000. 2009-2010 (2 years). DHS International Program: Deriving and Applying Cognitive Principles for Human/Computer Approaches to Complex Analytical Problems. PI: William Ribarsky, Co-PIs: Brian Fisher, Remco Chang, John Dill. $200,000. 2009-2010 (1 year). In Submission / Preparation 1 other NSF proposal is pending reviews 1 NSF and 1 NIH proposals are currently under preparation
Professional Activities Committee / Panelists Committee Member: AAAI Spring-09 Symposium on Technosocial Predictive Analytics Panelist: 3rd Annual DHS University Summit. Panel: Research to Reality 3rd Annual DHS University Summit. Panel: Visual Analytics and Discrete Science Integration into the DHS Center of Excellence Program Invited Talks Dec 13, 2006 Google Inc. Simplification of Urban Models based on Urban Legibility July 6, 2007 Naval Research Lab. Urban Visualization Oct 4, 2007 Charlotte Viscenter. Urban Visualization Oct 17, 2007 Charlotte Metropolitan GIS Users Group. GIS and Urban Visualization Nov 19, 2007 START Center at University of Maryland. Integrated Visual Analysis of the Global Terrorism Database Nov 29, 2007 Charlotte Viscenter. Integrated Visual Analysis of the Global Terrorism Database Jan 25, 2008 DoD/DHS Social Science Modeling and Information Visualization Symposium. Social Science and Information Visualization on Terrorism and Multimedia May 14, 2008 Charlotte Metropolitan GIS User Group. Multi-Focused Geospatial Analysis Using Probes Aug 27, 2008 DoD/DHS Symposium for Overcoming the Information Challenge in Federated Analysis: From Concept to Practice. Roadmap of Visualization Mar 19, 2009 DHS University Summit. Panel: Research to Reality Mar 19, 2009 DHS University Summit. Panel: Visual Analytics and Discrete Science Integration into the DHS Center of Excellence Program
Introduction The common thread between all the journals and conference papers, talks, grants, etc. is the use of interactivity in graphics, visualization, and visual analytics. This presentation will focus on select projects and publications due to time constraint. For more information, see my website:
What is in a User’s Interactions? Approach: Using WireVis, we captured 10 financial analysts’ interactions in performing fraud detection. Financial analysts are from Bank of America, (previous) Wachovia, etc. Manufactured test dataset that has embedded known threat scenarios The sessions are captured using screen-capturing, video camcorder, and semantic interaction logging. The sessions were then converted (manually) to a text document: High level: Strategies Mid Level: Methods of implementation Low Level: Findings We then hired 4 graduate students to “interpret” the financial analysts’ interactions Using proprietary visualizations to examine the interaction logs
In a Tribute to Randy Pausch Here are my “head fakes” Visualizations are very useful for analysis of complex problems with large datasets. The Charlotte Visualization Center is a leader in the visual analytics community.