JHS Cross Country Meeting Monday, July 27, 2015
Important Paperwork Physicals Proof of Insurance Athletic Code Steroids Concussion Athletic Fee – paid by 1st meet ($75 or $22.50) Team Rules All of these must be taken care of by the 1st official day of practice (Aug. 12th) Important Paperwork
Team Guidelines & Expectations Give your best effort Be @ practice every day! Be on time! Keep your grades up! Follow the guidelines of the Athletic Code Cross country comes before non-school related activities Get plenty of rest! Avoid detentions, etc. You are responsible for team-issued gear Team Guidelines & Expectations
Practice starts @ 3:30 p.m. from the Bowl each day (unless communicated otherwise) Athletes should be picked up @ the Bowl – we will try to end practice as close to the scheduled time as possible The bus leaves from the Bowl for all away meets & will return to the Bowl (if you are late, you will be left!) All athletes are required to ride the bus unless I have a signed note with prior approval from the A.D. (get notes to A.D. 2 days in advance) Schedules
Health/Personal Fitness Eat & drink properly (limit soda & junk food) – hydrate well Consider participation in fitness p.e. Do extra stretching, ice, & core strength training @ home Importance of proper footwear Health/Personal Fitness
Competition Meets (varsity,jv, or f/s) Qualifying for a letter Quality of practices Absences Attitude Readiness for varsity competition Attend all practices Be one of our top 5 runners in 50% of the meets OR Be on the varsity (top 7) in the postseason OR Finish ahead of the 5th runner of another team 7 times during the season Competition
Uniforms Cold water wash Hang dry Do not iron! All equipment must be turned in at the end of the season Uniforms
Fundraiser Concessions stand @ invite & regional Each person will be asked to make a donation & help work Chairwoman: Heidi Estabrook Other? Apparel & window clings Fundraiser
Concerns Athletes should address concerns with the coach first Coaches will not address it with a parent until the athlete has discussed it with the coach Parents may talk to the coach (if necessary) after the athlete has talked to the coach about the issue Concerns
Home phone (243-5702) Work phone (243-4384) Email (bvanbebber@jsd117.org) Please let me know if you are interested in helping with home meets Contact Information