Psychology: An Introduction Benjamin Lahey 11th Edition Slides by Kimberly Foreman 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
States of Consciousness Chapter Six: States of Consciousness 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Wide Awake: Normal Waking Consciousness Consciousness - state of awareness Daydreams: everyday consciousness and dreams combined in the state of waking consciousness Revised this slide 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Wide Awake: Normal Waking Consciousness (cont.) Divided consciousness: - being in two places (mentally) at the same time Ernest Hilgard : conscious awareness becomes “split” and simultaneously perform two activities requiring conscious awareness - e.g., talking on a cell phone while driving 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Wide Awake: Normal Waking Consciousness (cont.) The concept of the unconscious mind: cocktail party phenomenon—the ability to focus on one voice and tune out other voices. i.e. this usually happens at a party this is where the name comes from 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams Stages of sleep: - hypnagogic state: a twilight stage between wakefulness and sleep - myoclonia: a falling sensation that may occur during the hypnagogic state Revised removed charts. Added the definitions to the words that appear in the slide. 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) REM sleep and dreams: - Aserinsky and Kleitman: - rapid-eye-movement sleep - Webb: - autonomic storms - time spent dreaming: - 2 hours per night divided into 4 to 6 episodes - last part of the sleep cycle 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) Non-REM sleep and dreams: - on average, non-REM dreams are less bizarre and filled with less negative emotion than REM dreams - non-REM dreams occur 2–3 hours per night 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) Circadian rhythms: - body’s internal clock - regular pattern that lasts about 24 hours These aid in consistent sleep: - hormone melatonin - growth hormone - body temperature cortisol 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) Meaning of dreams: - day residue and stimulus incorporation - dream interpretation: - manifest content - latent content I deleted the original slide ten. 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) Nightmares and other sleep phenomena: - nightmares: - mostly during REM - night terrors - sleepwalking - sleep-talking 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Sleep and Dreams (cont.) Sleep disorders: - insomnia: - sleep-onset - early-awakening - narcolepsy - sleep apnea 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Altered States of Consciousness - may occur during meditation, during drug use, during an unusually intense sexual orgasm, or during a moment of religious conversion 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Altered States of Consciousness (cont.) Types: - distortions of perception - intense positive emotions - sense of unity - self-evident reality Removed the last bullet 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Altered States of Consciousness (cont.) Meditation: - transcendental state: - different from normal consciousness Mindfulness: focusing one’s conscious awareness completely on the present 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Altered States of Consciousness (cont.) Hypnosis: - characteristics: - relaxation - hypnotic hallucinations - hypnotic analgesia - hypnotic age regression hypnotic control Deleted about the seances. 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Drugs and Altered Consciousness Drug use: effects how it change your conscious state - dose and purity - personal characteristics - expectations - social situation - moods 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Drugs and Altered Consciousness (cont.) Psychotropic drugs: - stimulants: - amphetamine psychosis - ephedra - “crystal meth” - cocaine - depressants: - alcohol - sedatives and tranquilizers: - antianxiety drugs 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Drugs and Altered Consciousness (cont.) Psychotropic drugs (cont.): - narcotics: - opiates - oxycontin - inhalants - hallucinogens: - LSD - marijuana - designer drugs: - Ecstasy 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved
Drugs and Altered Consciousness (cont.) Human diversity: substance abuse and diversity 25% of adolescents and adults have had a substance abuse problem at some time in life abuse is twice as common in men than in women African Americans have been found less likely than whites to abuse drugs Deleted original twenty. 2008 McGraw-Hill Co., Inc. All rights reserved