Diala Obeid Melissa Barakat Sasha Abu Rafeh Raneem Mohamad Jazz Age Diala Obeid Melissa Barakat Sasha Abu Rafeh Raneem Mohamad
What is the Jazz Age? The Jazz Age was a movement in which jazz music and dance emerged in America during the 1920s after World War I was over. It was described as a celebratory time after the war, where people would go enjoy themselves in order to forget the war. During the 1920s, jazz’s popularity increased dramatically due to its effect on the culture. Raneem
Setting Jazz music and dance originally began in the 1900s within the black community in New Orleans. After the end of World War I, many jazz musicians traveled from New Orleans to northern cities such as Chicago and New York which allowed the spread of jazz to occur. Melissa
Jazz Music became really popular after the war since everyone would dance and listen to it. Jazz music got everyone together and gave people happiness. One of the main instruments of Jazz music is the saxophone. New dance moves were created to Jazz music and dance competitions were taking place. The older generation thought that Jazz music was a bad influence. It was one of the first types of music to be “culturally appropriated” by the American white middle class. Melissa
The Greatest of all time One of the most famous jazz musicians of all time was Louis Armstrong. He was asked to play in mixed race bands and was also asked to play in white only clubs. Some of the most popular dances that emerged from that time are the “Charleston”, the “Foxtrot”, the “Shimmy” and the “Black Bottom”. Raneem
In the novel, Jazz music was played at Gatsby’s parties where everyone would feel happy and entertained. In The Novel Diala
Annotations Page 108: Tom, Nick, and Daisy were at one of Gatsby’s parties and they were questioning how Gatsby got so rich, while a Jazz age song was playing. Song: ”Three O'Clock in the Morning' a neat, sad little waltz of that year Jordan, Nick’s lover, was telling Nick about Gatsby and Daisy’s past relationships while a Jazz age song was playing. This was while Nick and Jordan were driving in New York. The author wrote a verse of this song on page 78. Song: The Sheik of Araby by Fats Waller Ain't We Got Fun by Van & Schenck is a song that was one of the favorites during the 20’s. In the book, this song was played at Gatsby’s house when Daisy visited him for the first time. (page 95) Beale Street Blues by Chris Barber is a blues song that several white people listened to in the 1916 and 1917. "All night the saxophones wailed the hopeless comment of the 'Beale Street Blues" pg. 157 Diala
Influence On Literature -During the 1920’s, Jazz poetry was created. -Several authors started mentioning the Jazz age in their writings. -The Jazz age was known to be mostly different from other literary movements of it’s era. While others were more artistic, the Jazz age was a whole cultural movement. -It influenced every aspect of art and literature in its period because it forced people to question the ideas they had about what was appropriate, normal and to be desired. -It gave people an opportunity and a new form of expressing themselves. Sasha
Bibliography “The Great Gatsby.” Music, thegreatgatsbyreadingmap.blogspot.com/p/jazz-era-music.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017. “The Great Gatsby.” The Jazz Age, group401.blogspot.com/p/jazz-age.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017. University of Minnesota Duluth, www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/tbacig/studproj/is3099/jazzcult/20sjazz/jazzculture.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017. The People History -- Steve Pearson. “Music Played in the 1960's Popular Music From the 60s.” 1920's Music played in the 20's Bands groups singers from The People History Site, www.thepeoplehistory.com/20smusic.html. Accessed 23 Aug. 2017. Boundless. “The Jazz Age - Boundless Open Textbook.” Boundless, Boundless, 5 Dec. 2016, www.boundless.com/u-s- history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history-textbook/the-roaring-twenties-1920-1929-24/a-culture-of-change-187/the-jazz-age- 1031-1995/. Accessed 23 Aug. 2017. “Jazz Age.” American Literary Movements; 1910 -1940, americanlituratureproject.weebly.com/jazz-age.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhSrCDCHOc8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhSrCDCHOc8