Blood Supply of the Lower Limb Dr. Francois du Toit Department of Diagnostic Radiology Kimberley Hospital Complex Blood Supply of the Lower Limb
Arteries of the Lower Limb Ext Iliac Common Fem Crosses under Inguinal Ligament BRANCHES Superficial Circumflex Femoral a. Superficial Inferior Epigastric a. Superficial Pudendal a. Profunda Femoris a. (biggest branch) Common Femoral Superficial Femoral a.
External Iliac Artery Inguinal Ligament Common Femoral Artery Profunda Femoris Artery Superficial Femoral Artery
Profunda Femoris Artery Biggest Branch of Common Femoral a. 5cm distal to Ing. Ligament 6 BRANCHES 2 Circumflex Femoral Medial Lateral 4 Perforating Arteries (4)
Circumflex Femoral aa. Form ring around upper Femur Lateral Circumflex has 2 branches Ascending branch than anastomoses with superior gluteal a. Descending branch to the knee
Perforating aa. Supply muscles of thigh Surround Femur Last is continuation of Profunda a.
Profunda Femoris Lateral Circumflex Perforating arteries
Superficial Femoral Artery Passes in Adductor Canal Between Vastus Med / Adductors / Sartorius Through Adductor Hiatus At junction of upper 2/3 and lower 1/3 of femur Into Popliteal Fossa Popliteal Artery Just before this – descending branch to genicular anastomosis
Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus Superficial Femoral Vastus Medialis Sartorius Lateral Superior Genicular Artery Popliteal Artery
Popliteal Artery Branches to Genicular Anastomosis and Knee Joint Divides at lower border of Knee Joint Posterior Tibial artery (which gives off Peroneal a.) Anterior Tibial artery
Popliteal Artery Inferior Lateral Genicular Artery Anterior Tibial Artery Tibioperoneal Trunk Peroneal Artery Posterior Tibial Artery
Posterior Tibial Artery Larger of the two 2.5cm from its origin Peroneal a. Then descends and becomes more medial At the ankle Medial malleolar branch Then passes posterior to medial malleolus Halfway between tip of malleolus and midline Branches medial and lateral plantar aa (the principal supply of the foot)
Posterior Tibial Artery Medial Malleolus
Peroneal Artery Descends to lie posteromedially of the fibula Runs behind tibiofibular joint Ends as Calcaneal Branch
Peroneal Artery Calcaneal Branch of Peroneal artery
Anterior Tibial Artery Passes above upper margin of interosseus membrane Descends anterior to membrane Becomes superficial at ankle midway between malleoli Continues as Dorsalis Pedis Artery Passes between 1st and 2nd metatarsals to join plantar arch
Anterior Tibial Artery Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Veins of the Lower Limb Superficial System Deep System Long & Short Saphenous Deep System Accompany Arteries Normal direction = Superfical Deep Valves Superficial > Deep Distal > Proximal
Superficial System Long (Great) Saphenous Starts on medial side of dorsum of foot Passes anterior to medial malleolus Ascends to posterior side of medial knee anterior side of medial upper thigh Drains to Femoral vein
Great Saphenous Vein
Great Saphenous Vein in anteromedial thigh Posteromedial knee
Great Saphenous Vein Femoral Vein
… Superficial System Short Saphenous Begins lateral side of dorsum of foot Passes posterior to lateral malleolus Ascends on back of calf Pierces deep fascia over popliteal fossa Drains to Popliteal Vein
Short Saphenous
Lateral Superior Genicular Vein Popliteal Vein Small (Short) Saphenous Vein
Deep System Accompany Arteries Usually paired … BUT may be more than two veins that accompany each artery
Perforating (communicating) vv. Connects Superficial to Deep vv. Variable in site and number >2 in medial aspect of lower leg above ankle Also found in medial aspect of lower thigh
References Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging 3rd Edition, Stephanie Ryan 3D Human Anatomy Atlas Version 2, Argosy Publishing