Learned Behaviors and Inherited Traits Mrs. Westgard Adapted from Norton Fourth Grade Review March 2016
Inherited Traits Offspring inherit certain traits from their parents. An inherited trait is a characteristic that is passed from parents to offspring. Definition from ScienceSaurus on page 82.
Learned Behaviors A learned behavior is a behavior that an animal develops by observing other animals or by being taught. Definition from ScienceSaurus on page 93.
Can you identify the learned behaviors and the inherited traits?
A colt wearing a saddle and bridle to carry someone on its back. Learned Behavior
Cheetahs knowing how to sneak up on an animal. Learned Behavior
Chimpanzees using twigs to fish for termites. Learned Behavior
The ability to roll your tongue. Inherited Trait
A person has green eyes. Inherited Trait
A brown calf has brown parents. Inherited Trait
Your fish swim to the top of the aquarium before you drop the food in. Learned Behavior
A bird finds a safe place to build a nest. Learned Behavior
A fish has gills to breathe. Inherited Trait
A snake has a diamond pattern on its back. Inherited Trait
An oak tree has leaves that look similar to other oak trees. Inherited Trait
All female kangaroos have a pouch. Inherited Trait
A dog shakes paws with you. Learned Behavior
A rancher’s cows moo and start to walk toward his pick up. Learned Behavior
A raccoon digs in a trash can looking for food. Learned Behavior
Now its your turn…. Name one learned behavior. Name one inherited trait.