CONTROLS BACKGROUND LOCALIZATION SOFTWARE OBSTACLE DETECTION Name Role William Fanelli Lead Electrical Engineer Jian Hong Wu Electrical Engineer Ryan Trumpore Computer Engineer Giovanni Sabato Abraham Long Project Manager & Mechanical Engineer Michael Blachowicz Guide P17241 CONTROLS BACKGROUND Research and development of autonomous vehicles are becoming more and more popular in the automotive industry. It is believed that autonomous vehicles are the future for easy and efficient transportation that will make for safer, less congested roadways. RIT would like to showcase the capability of its engineering students by creating a functional autonomous golf cart. Steering Custom Main PCB Wicked unisteer power steering rack Potentiometer for angle measurement Brake Thomson E150 Actuator attached to brake pedal Driven by Sabertooth 2x12 LOCALIZATION Controls subsystems’ circuits Low-pass filtering for sensitive signals Power regulation and conditioning Sounder & LED’s for status/errors Expandable for future circuitry Velodyne Puck VLP-16 LiDAR Throttle Amplified DAC output into cart ECU SOFTWARE Arduino Dues Desktop PC (ROS) 16 channels ± 15° vertical FOV 100m range 360° horizontal FOV 300,000 points/second OBSTACLE DETECTION Intel 6900K i7 8 Core Processor, liquid cooled, Ubuntu 14.04 Touch-screen user interface ROS Indigo Packages: navigation, teb_local_planner, slam_gmapping, perception_pcl, robot_localization, velodyne, tf, scan_tools, urg_node, map_server, amcl, rqt Due 1 Due 2 Drive control Wheel encoders Steering control Warning light Brake control Sounder RC control input Brake pedal sensor Hikuyo UTM-30LX-EW LiDAR LiDAR Point Cloud Laser Scan Map 270° horizontal FOV Single 2D laser scan 30m range Multiple echo detection Big thanks to John Kaemmerlen, Dr. Ptucha and RIT for the financial support! To learn more visit us online at