How to make the right choice of EU Studies Course Dr Viviane Gravey, Queen’s University Belfast @VGravey
What is a course in EU/European studies? Interdisciplinarity is key Many disciplinary ‘mixes’ available A single honors course in Politics/Economics/Law with some modules on the EU? An interdisciplinary course looking at Europe from different angles? Political science + Public Policy + European Law or Economics + History of European Integration History of European Integration + European languages + European Literature & Philosophy
Why choose EU studies in the current climate? Theophilos Papadopoulos ‘Gone with the Wind’
5 tips to choose an EU studies course Learn to know different member states, not just the EU level Challenge your preconceptions about the EU Seize opportunities to step outside the university Consider the university as a whole (fees, assessment structures etc., location) Consider what next: what skills/knowledge will you need?
How to find your EU studies course?