Forgiveness Builds Character


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Presentation transcript:

Forgiveness Builds Character But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account. Philemon 1:18

Forgiveness Builds Character How Forgiveness Impacts Your Health-John Hopkins Studies have found that forgiveness can Lower Heart Attack Risk Improve Cholesterol Levels Improve Sleep Lower Blood Pressure Reduces Anxiety, Depression and Stress

Forgiveness Builds Character Forgiveness A Study done by Fetzer Institute showed that _________% of American adults say they need more forgiveness in their lives.

Forgiveness Builds Character 62%

Forgiveness Builds Character Chronic anger and un-forgiveness puts us in a fight or flight mode leading to: Increase Heart Rate Increase Blood Pressure Decreases Immune Responses These can lead to: Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Stomach Ulcers, Headaches, Arthritis, Chronic Pain and other health conditions.

Forgiveness Builds Character Holding grudges and bitterness can increase sympathetic nervous system activity causing severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder as well as other health issues Forgiveness calms stress levels and improves health

Forgiveness Builds Character Healing in Forgiveness Heal With Ritual-Write a letter about the hurt and then burn it. Write an additional letter forgiving the person, you can keep it or send it. The best option is to talk to the person face to face. Forgiveness heals by helping us release un- forgiveness, anger, resentment and hostility. Forgiveness helps us to feel empathy, compassion, affection and love again for the person that may have wronged us.

Forgiveness Builds Character Forgiveness causes us to feel more satisfied with life. Let Go of Expectation-Knowing that your apology doesn’t mean the other person will apologize. Decide to Forgive-Seal your forgiveness with action. See the process through, if you can’t speak to others in person, write about it in your personal journal Remember forgiveness is a choice. Forgive deeply not just because of your religion but understanding no one is perfect, not even you. Forgive Yourself-We all make mistakes, remember forgiveness includes forgiving yourself.

Forgiveness Builds Character Swartz says” Forgiveness is not just about saying words. It is an active process in which we make a conscious decision to let go of negative feelings whether the person deserves it or not. Researcher C.R. Synder says” Forgiveness is breaking the psychological ties that bind us to the past, giving up the quest to change what has already happened and focusing instead on creating a better and more hopeful future.

Forgiveness Builds Character What Is Character?

Forgiveness Builds Character The peculiar quality or the sum of qualities by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others. The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual

Forgiveness Builds Character Talent is built in solitude. Character is built in the mainstream of life. Character is who we are and what we do when nobody is watching. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. Character is how we treat those who can do nothing for you.

Forgiveness Builds Character Philemon is a lesson on forgiveness.  Paul was helping Philemon to know that we are one in the family of Christ. As Christian we build our character by forgiving and accepting each regardless of our faults. We have to learn to forgive and restore others to Christ. We have reconciliation No wall of slavery, racial or economic differences should separate us from one another. Of all of the human qualities that make men in any sense like God, none is more divine than forgiveness.  God is a God of forgiveness.  “It is a man’s glory to overlook a transgression,” Proverbs 19:11.  Man is never more like God than when he forgives. 

Forgiveness Builds Character Exodus chapter 34:6, “Then the Lord passed by in front of Him and proclaimed” – this is the Lord speaking of Himself – “‘The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin.”  He says, “I am the God of forgiveness, that is who I am.”  The Scripture says God has forgiven you; therefore, forgive, and on the other hand the Scripture says if you don’t forgive, God won’t forgive you, and you’ll have violated the relationship, the fellowship that you could enjoy with God.  The Lord has forgiven all of us all of our sins and therefore, Paul says, we should forgive each other. 

Forgiveness Builds Character In Philemon the major issue of forgiveness laid out, not in principle, not in parable, but in a personal case.  Paul was not only the great apostle that everybody knew about, but Paul had personally led Philemon to Christ.  Philemon had a slave and the slave’s name was Onesimus.  And the relationship of these two people, Philemon and Onesimus, is really the context of this call to forgiveness.  Years had passed since Philemon’s conversion.  Paul is now a prisoner in Rome.  Philemon is active in ministry in his church.  He’s got the church meeting in his house.  He’s busy serving, refreshing the brethren by his usefulness.  Paul gives an appeal from his heart, an appeal to Philemon’s character, compassion, to his love to forgive Onesimus for doing him wrong.

Forgiveness Builds Character Onesimus, Philemon’s slave ran away and he stole from his master.  The death penalty for such activity was still in place and that slave could lose his life.  How do you deal with people that have changed but you know their past history? What about Paul when he first came around the church as a Christian?

Forgiveness Builds Character Paul appealed to Philemon’s character making an appeal Onesimus whom Paul called his child that he had begotten in his imprisonment. Letting Philemon know that people change and Onesimus, who formerly was useless to you but now is useful both to him and to Paul.  Paul sent Onesimus back who was a slave that ran away back to Philemon. Paul said he was sending him back to him in person, letting him know he wanted to keep Onesimus with him, that he might minister to him in his imprisonment for the gospel.  But without Philemon’s consent he didn’t want to do anything that his goodness would not be as it were by compulsion but of his own free will. 

Forgiveness Builds Character And Paul now is going to put his friendship on the line.  Paul was a friend to both Philemon and Onesimus. Paul didn’t want to use his authority to appeal to Philemon to love and forgive Onesimus of his past mistakes. He’s asking Philemon to do something that would build his character in the area of forgiveness which is crucial.  For Paul it was a private letter but he wanted it read so that the whole church would hold Philemon accountable for this. This also allowed the church to build character as they would also all learn the lesson of forgiveness and so they would all know how to treat a forgiven man. 

Forgiveness Builds Character Through Paul Onesimus was converted to Christianity.  His life was transformed.  He was no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother in the Lord. Paul asked Philemon to accept Onesimus as you would him, and if Onesimus had wronged him in any way or owed anything, to charge that to his account.”  Paul knew there was something that had to be settled.  Onesimus was a criminal, and the relationship between Onesimus and Philemon was not right.  Onesimus was at fault and also needed to ask for forgiveness and get the matter straight.  Character is sometimes built in how we handles the pressures of life. Paul reminds us to be like Christ and forgive as He forgave us. Around us are people that teach us how to act, while others shine a light on the path we should follow.

Forgiveness Builds Character If we are truly walking a life of faith. Our faith must to active in word and deed. Forgive as you have been forgiven.  And that’s basically the background of this story.  To build our character we have to be willing to be merciful to those who have truly done us wrong. This story deals with the spiritual character, action and motivation of the person asking for forgiveness and accepting forgiveness. If we follow God and His word our character can reflect was God desires us to be. We are never more like God than when you forgive. 

Next Bible Study Accountability In Our Christian Walks Scripture: Rom Next Bible Study Accountability In Our Christian Walks Scripture: Rom. 14:12 (ESV)

Reference: Inspirational Quotes on Character John Hopkins Medicine-Health Connections Forgiveness. Philemon- The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness by Eine Vergebung