5 Parenting 101 Part 2
Breathe Spiritual L.I.F.E. into our Children
Breathe L.I.F.E. Breathe Love “Children learn about God’s love at church but they experience through their parents.”
Breathe L.I.F.E. Breathe Love Breathe Image They need to take in God’s image (behavior, attitude, etc.)
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. - Ephesians 6:4
Breathe Image Lead by Godly Example
Establish Godly traditions Breathe Image Lead by Godly Example Establish Godly traditions Daily Rules, discipline Speaking truth in love Affirm spiritual gifts Encourage devotion Cycle Worship Camps / rallies Christmas / Thanksgiving Unique family traditions
We need to establish spiritual habits and traditions that celebrate and constantly remind children that we are God’s people.
Breathe Forgiveness Breathe L.I.F.E. Breathe Love Breathe Image bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. – Col. 3:13
Practical Training Includes: Saying Letting Modelling Listening Discussing Processing
Process of Forgiveness Talking it out Accepting responsibility Asking for forgiveness Offering forgiveness Receiving forgiveness Reconciliation Renewal
Breathe Enthusiasm Breathe L.I.F.E. Enthusiasm = “Ethnos” = In God Breathe Love Breathe Image Breathe Forgiveness Breathe Enthusiasm Enthusiasm = “Ethnos” = In God
Then he said to them, “Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” - Neh. 8:10
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! - Phil. 4:4
Model enthusiastic faith and service Breathe Enthusiasm Model enthusiastic faith and service
Encourage Christian friendship Breathe Enthusiasm Model enthusiastic faith and service Encourage Christian friendship
Include them in ministry Breathe Enthusiasm Model enthusiastic faith and service Encourage Christian friendship Include them in ministry
A child who equates spirituality with joy will be inoculated against the counterfeit happiness promised by the sinful pleasures of this world.
“As parents we want to try to pass on the love, identity, forgiveness, and enthusiasm of God to our children so they can internalize it for themselves and then share it with others.” - William Gaultierre