Question 6 By James foreman
CANON 750D For my opening sequence all shots were taken by the Canon 750D. I’ve become quite familiar with this camera as I have used it for other purposes. I had to learn about ISO and aperture. We only used natural light which meant some scenes were more lit then others so we had to manually change how much light was allowed in the camera (ISO). This took us a while but it was very good skill to learn and now all the scenes were shot in the same consistency of light making each shot crisp and clear when needed for visual effect and post production became a lot easier.
Premier Pro & After effects cc In my opening sequence I used the latest version of premier pro & After effects cc which is apart of the adobe family. I use premier pro & after effects daily and didn’t learn any new techniques except from colour grading. I realised that colour grading plays a huge part of creating the atmosphere and can create many emotions just from a single colour. Learning the suitable way to colour grade was hard, as every clip is different. Lighting plays a big part, if a shot isn’t well lit and goes into post production, it hard to balance the colours so then colour correction comes into play, this might mean pumping up whites or lowering the shadows in order to see the subject more clearly. I had to do this a lot as we were filming in a forest and for a long period of time so the position of the sun kept changing. We just had to overcome this in post which took up a lot of time but we learnt that we need to plan shots as well as shots in post.
RODE VIDEOMIC PRO In my opening sequence we took audio very seriously, this is because we were filming in the woods. Any sound created from the woods echo's from the trees and resonates across the woods, there were a lot of times we had to re-film because of Leaves crunching and twig cracking as it ruins the effect as silence is need in most shots for the ‘On edge’ effect. This could be taken out of post using Premier Pro but also having the natural sounds of the woods e.g Birds, makes the sequence flow better and creates an effect of relatability as it looks real. This is a professional mic and is in use in some broadcast across the worlds. It can become and boom mic. Can get better audio from far away subjects and can be good for mounting onto a camera. We had to decided what type of mic we wanted/needed to use. For us all shots were filmed using the mic on the camera so we need to learn where to position the mic to get the best use of our mic.