The Circle of Life Survivors From Stone Age to Iron Age – could you survive? Was Stone Age man simply a hunter and gatherer, concerned only with survival? How different was life in the Stone Age when man started to farm? What can we learn about life in the Stone Age from a study of Skara Brae? Why is it so difficult to work out why Stonehenge was built? How much did life really change during the Iron Age and how can we possibly know? Can we solve the mystery of the 52 skeletons of Maiden Castle? The Circle of Life Survivors Creative Arts linked to our School Production Looking after the Earth, Looking after each other. Using principles of “Reduce, Re-use and Recycle” to design, make and evaluate a piece of textile art Listening, composing and performing music Computing Coding Using Scratch to create a game linked to our book Wolf Brother Animals Including Humans. What things are moved around inside our bodies? What is a circulatory system for? What does the heart do? How are exercise and pulse rates linked? How can we keep ourselves healthy? What is the impact of drugs and alcohol on the body? Human reproduction and relationships How does the human life cycle compare to other animals? RE. Why do believers often see life as a journey and what significant experiences mark this? PSHE linked to British Values Understanding personal change and responsibility Why do we keep clean? What keeps me healthy/in balance? How do I feel? What affects my mood? How can I manage my feelings? (including loss) How can I develop my resilience? What is an active lifestyle? Why is it important to be active? How do we keep ourselves safe outside? Design and Technology. Seasonal Cooking What does seasonality mean? Where and how is food reared, caught and processed? What is a healthy diet? Can I design, make and evaluate a seasonal meal?