30 October 2016, Kigali, Rwanda Country Team Members: Insert names Photo: Mark Kaye/Save the Children Leveraging the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network: building regional platforms to promote learning on how to address malnutrition The Learning Route in Rwanda EXPERIENCE FAIR 30 October 2016, Kigali, Rwanda Country Team Members: Insert names
Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) Insert logo SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
Who We Are Civil Society Scaling-up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) is a non-governmental, non-profit making coalition, made up of organizations with a shared vision to transform Nigeria into a country where every citizen is food and nutrition secured. The primary purpose of the coalition is to strengthen partnerships to advocate for increased policy development and resource allocation for improved nutrition outcomes. CS-SUNN provides a platform to engage government and non-state actors to advocate for policy implementation, create public awareness, increase local demand for appropriate nutrition service delivery, track service provision and budget implementation. …….Working together to attain a country where every citizen is food and nutrition secured
Who We Are Contd Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health (PACFaH) Project is a social accountability project implemented through the strategy of partnership building of indigenous CSOs, champions and activists to catalyze change at national and state levels to fulfill commitments on child and family health. PACFaH is a coalition of indigenous CSOs including dRPC, CHRI, CS-SUNN, AAFP, working to improve Government’s understanding of challenges that confront child and family health issues in Nigeria & to solicit by advocating for Government’s intervention to address them by fulfilling policy, budgeting and administrative requirements to improve CFH services. …….Working together to attain a country where every citizen is food and nutrition secured
What is the nutrition situation in your country? Children < 5yrs 37% chronically malnourished (stunted) 18% acutely malnourished (wasted) 29% underweight Children < 6 mos 17% Exclusively Breastfed Children 6-23 mos Complementary Foods not introduced on time 67% receive complementary foods 10% adhere to IYCF recommendations Nigeria has the highest number of stunted children on the continent and ranks second globally with about 11 million stunted children According to the NDHS (2013), 37 percent children under 5 are chronically malnourished (stunted), 18 percent of children under five suffer from acute malnutrition (wasted) and 29 percent of children under five (percent) are underweight. 17 percent of children less than 6 months are exclusively breastfed and complementary foods are not introduced in a timely fashion for all children as only 67 percent of breastfed children aged 6-23 months receive complementary foods. Overall, only 10 percent of children age 6-23 months are fed appropriately based on recommended infant and young child feeding practices. Nigeria has the highest number of stunted children in the continent and ranks second globally with about 11 million stunted children. Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
Nutritional indices 1990-(2013 NDHS) 1999 2003 2008 2013 Stunting 43% 46% 42% 41% 37% Wasting 9% 12% 11% 14% 18% Underweight 36% 27% 24% 23% 29% EBF 2% 22% 17% 13% …….Working together to attain a country where every citizen is food and nutrition secured
Key National Interventions What are the key National interventions to tackle malnutrition in your country? Main Challenges Key National Interventions Policy Implementation Funding Coordination 1990 National Committee on Food and Nutrition Established 1995 National Food and Nutrition Policy Formulated 2005 Home Grown School Feeding and Health Programme 2012 First Nutrition Summit to Create a “Roadmap to Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria” 2015 National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition launched 2016 National Policy on Food and Nutrition approved Key interventions: In 1990, the Federal Government established a National Committee on Food and Nutrition (NCFN)as an institutional arrangement to coordinate and provide leadership to articulate a comprehensive policy and actions that could effectively reduce malnutrition in Nigeria. The NCFN formulated a National Food and Nutrition Policy (NFNP) in 1995 which the FG approved in 1998 and launched in 2002. The FG also launched the Home Grown school feeding and Health programme in 2005 under the coordination of FMOE First Nutrition Summit to create a “ Roadmap to Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria” early in 2012. Launch of the National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition in 2015 Launch of the National Food and Nutrition Policy in 2016 Main challenges: Implementation of policies, Funding, Coordination, Lessons learned: Effective coordination of nutrition intervention is key to reducing and eventually eradicating malnutrition in Nigeria Lesson learned: Effective coordination of nutrition interventions is key to reduction and eradication of malnutrition in Nigeria SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
Infant and Young Child Feeding Intervention Areas Maternal Nutrition Infant and Young Child Feeding Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children under five Micronutrient Deficiency Control Diet related Non-communicable Diseases Nutrition Information and Surveillance Systems SUN Civil Society Efforts | April 2016
Presentation of the CSA Quick history: Date of creation: Started November 2013 and formally launched August 07, 2014 and registered on October 31, 2014 Structure: Board of Trustees performs ceremonial/legal oversight and advocacy functions for the coalition Steering Committee serves as the executive committee and supervises the nomination of the BOT members. Also provides oversight for the day-to-day activities of the Coalition and its National Secretariat Secretariat and Project Staff Number of organisations who are members: 250 What kind of organisations are represented in your CSA?: International partners (e.g. Save the Children, ACF), Local NGOs, Professional Associations, CSOs, FBOs, etc SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
Key intervention area of the CSA and key achievements Key achievements (November 2014- date) Key intervention areas Advocacy Policy dialogues (Federal and State Data Collection Policy Briefs Score Cards Budget Analysis Policy Analysis Media Mobilisation Grass roots mobilisation Capacity Building - Led to the adoption of the National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition (NSPAN) Advocacy NSPAN Implementation in Kaduna, Nasarawa and Niger States (2015- 2016) - Advocacy, coalition building, budget tracking and monitoring (2015-2016) - 150 CSOs, CBOs and FBOs Capacity Building Advocacy: CS-SUNN organises policy dialogues with policy makers and professionals (State & Federal), collects data for evidenced based advocacy and develops policy briefs, score cards, budget analysis and policy analysis, mobilises media and builds their capacity to report on Child and Family health and grass-root mobilization. Capacity building Key achievements (November 2014- date) Conducted advocacies that led to the adoption of the National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition (NSPAN) implementation of the NSPAN in 3 states (Kaduna, Nasarawa and Kaduna) (2015-2016) Built the capacities of about 150 CS0, CBOs and FBOs on advocacy, coalition building, budget tracking and monitoring (2015-2016) Photo: Caroline Trutmann/Save the Children SUN Civil Society Efforts | April 2016
Who are the most influential nutrition stakeholders in your country? Ministry of budget and National Planning Federal Ministry of Health NPHCDA SMoH Champions International Partners (e.g. UNICEF, CHAI, SCI) Donors (e.g. World Bank, BMGF, USAID, DFID) Academia Professional Bodies Ministry of Budget and National Planning Federal Ministry of Health NPHCDA SMOH International Partners (UNICEF, CHAI, SCI) Donors (World Bank, BMGF, USAID, DFID) Academia Professional Bodies SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
CSA call For Action Statement Ensure that the Federal Government and State Government fulfil their commitments in Nutrition. To fully implement the National Strategic Plan of Action for Nutrition (NSPAN) by providing adequate funding for plan in the national budget To create a strategic plan of implementation for the National Policy of Food and Nutrition (NPFN) For timely release of funds allocated for nutrition in the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Education in the 2016 Budgets and ensure increased accountability/management of released funds. SUN Civil Society Efforts | October 2016
Thank you! Photo: Adam Hinton/Save the Children