50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA SYNOPSIS The TVM has been existed for 45 years. For more than 42 years, the administration was reserved to men. In 2009, when the TVM began to work with Gender Links, we integrated gender approach within the institution. In 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of gender was signed by ORTM and Gender Links which involved the TVM in gender promotion. Since 2009, many changes have been operated within the TVM: -Nomination of women in decision-making posts -Increase in the number of coverage on gender, gender based violence, intervention of women in the news -Equal treatment of women and men employees -Equal opportunity for women and men during recruitment 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA OBJECTIVES Respect the Rights of all employees (maternity and paternity leaves, breastfeeding, ect.) Increase reports on gender promotion Promote representation of women in the different posts within each service Encourage women to speak and give their opinions during different meetings (editorial meeting, general meeting, choice of reports angle) Create special programmes on gender promotion 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA BACKGROUND Before, decision-making positions were occupied by men. Now, women became decision-makers (Women directors, 2 out of 4 chiefs of service are women). Before, some reportages were reserved to men. Now, all journalists, men and women insure the coverage of all events Balance women and men in interviews and images Before talking about gender stereotypes was taboo. Now, we treat information targeting to eradicate stereotypes 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA KEY ACTIVITIES Nomination of women in decision-making positions Coverage of 16 days of activism Documentaries on Gender Based Violence Creation of programmes for gender promotion Media coverage of all events by all journalists-men and women, without discrimination 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA RESOURCE ALLOCATION Amount local currency (specify) Amount in Rand Gender specific allocation coverage events 500 000Ar 2000 Gender in mainstream projects (please specify) travelling allowance 700 000 Ar 2800 Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organisations (please specify) TOTAL 1 200 000 Ar 4800 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA CHALLENGES Increase interventions of women in the news Respect Rights of all employees Equal treatment of all employees Reinforcement of partnership and gender promotion Creation of other emissions on gender Achieve the objective 50/50 in 2015 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA RESULTS Changes at the work place: Number of women in decision-making positions increased Sharing with other journalists: Active participation of women journalists in the coverage of all types of information 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION The definition of gender is not well assimilated by the responsible and the employees Some members of the personnel are reluctant towards gender promotion But after sharing training given by Gender Links, we obtained satisfactory results Encourage women to work in all fields (even those traditionally reserved to men) 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH OTHER COUNCILS Share with other media houses when there is opportunity. Points discussed: the place that women deserve in the society in general 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION Convince decision-makers to apply 50/50 objective As media, convey as much as possible messages on gender promotion Equip the gender focal person with tools and knowledge for mainstreaming gender effectively within the institution Share experience, reinforce the importance of gender through news and specific programmes for the development of the country. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 Training of all the employees of TVM Reinforce partnership between TVM and other organizations working for gender equality Increase participation of women in the news Create emissions on gender promotion 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA