Water Cycle
Blue Planet Which planet is this? What represents all the blue we see on this picture? Why is there so much water after all these years?
Who has ever seen this phenomenon? What is happening here?
Evaporation Liquid Gas in warmer conditions Which is why there is water vapor in the atmosphere (troposphere)
Who has ever seen these phenomena? What is happening here?
Condensation Gas Liquid when it is in contact with a cold surface Forms clouds in the Stratosphere
Precipitation What kind of precipitation exist on Earth? What is the phases matter of rain? Snow and hail ?
Runoff Runoff: Water from precipitation goes back to oceans and lakes Infiltration: Water that goes deep in the soil (aquifer)
Put all those 4 processes together and we get…
Water Cycle
Notes Evaporation On a warm, sunny day, water in a glass of water seems to slowly disappear. This is because the energy from the sun is heating the water up and turning the liquid water into water vapor. This process is called evaporation. When the water evaporates, it becomes an invisible gas in the atmosphere. Evaporation takes place all over the earth, but especially in the oceans and lakes where there is a lots of water.
Condensation As the water vapor rises, it cools off and condenses into water droplets. If the water vapor becomes extremely cold, it will form ice crystals instead of water droplets. As the water droplets or ice crystals grow bigger and more numerous, they form clouds.
Precipitation If water droplets or ice crystals become too heavy, they can’t stay in the air. They precipitate. Water droplets precipitate as rain and ice crystals as hail. Sometimes, the rain freezes before it hits the earth and precipitates as snow.
Runoff This precipitation gathers into streams and rivers that flow down to the lakes and oceans. This is called runoff. Not all of the water makes it back to the oceans and lakes right away. Some of it is used by animals and plants. Some is frozen into glaciers. Eventually, the animals and plants breathe the water out and the glaciers melt, releasing the water back into the water cycle
Exit Card During condensation, water goes from ________ to ___________ (hint: states of matter). Precipitation is when liquid or solid water from the clouds fall under gravity. True or False? ___________ mostly occurs over oceans and lakes.(Hint: 1 of the 4 processes) Once water falls on land it either ___________ or infiltrates into the ground. Precipitation is the last process of the cycle? Yes or No.