DEEPWATER HORIZON IMPLICATIONS FOR THE HEALTH OF MARINE LIFE & HUMANS Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad Univirsty ..History.. Summer 2012 Prof. NurAdden Presented by: Talal Al-Binali ID#:200900415
Deep Water Horizon – Crude Oil
Deep Water Horizon – Oil Spill
PURPOSE STАTЕMЕNT & RАTІONАLЕ Petroleum industry has worldwide business operations Crude oil supports growth and development Oil energy is in high global demand
Environmental Damage Statistics – Oil Spill
LІTЕRАTURЕ RЕVІЕW Oil spills pollute the environment Oil spills occur from many sources Pollution is very hazardous Environmental pollution damage marine life Pollution affects all living organisms Deepwater Horizon cause large oil spills Makes life risky
Life Threats Caused By Oil Spill
MЕTHODOLOGY Deep water horizon damages marine life and humans Pollution concerns have become serious All countries do not consider endangering of marine lives serious For Saudis preserving marine lives has become very important Information on deep water horizon damages would be gathered through data collection Factors causing pollution would be studied Negative impact on marine lives would be analyzed Solutions for pollution prevention would be presented
EXPЕCTЕD FІNDІNGS АND IMPLІCАTІONS Petroleum industry cause serious environmental damages Petroleum industry should protect the environment Life should be preserved Further environmental deterioration Research results would deliver solutions for environment protection
REFLECTION ON RESOURCES Read articles and books Obtained knowledge Learned about food chain risks Spilling oil is passing into plankton Impacts food web Food sources are destroyed Oil spills take years for cleaning Toxic effects remain for years Consumption of toxic food affect DNA genetics Environmental pollution create negative health effects Fertility rates are affected Destroy natural habitats