Media Questionnaire Strongly 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Agree ___ 1. The media can be used as a teaching tool. ___ 2. The general population is affected by exposure to violent media. ___ 3. I learn valuable information from TV. ___ 4. Video games increase hand-eye coordination. ___ 5. Aggressive programming affects college students’ behavior. ___ 6. TV can be just as educational as books. ___ 7. Romantic movies distort women’s views of relationships. ___ 8. My behavior is affected by violent media. ___ 9. Men tend to prefer aggressive movies more than women.
Other Learning Theories and Applications
Agenda Activity Midterm Warnings Recap Classical and Operant Conditioning Observational/Social Learning Learning Styles Activity for Saturday Reading Assessment due Saturday
Operant/Classical Summary
Observational Learning Learning by observing the behavior of another person Modeling Bandura Bobo Doll Sophisticated Behaviors Often require motivation Mechanic, Surgeon Operant Conditioning
Modeling Aggressive Behavior “Role Model” or “Setting an Example” Bandura’s Study Media Influence on Aggression What do you think?
Media-Aggression Links Related Links Children model real-life aggression Sensitivity to aggression decreases with exposure 8000 murders by 12 years old Situational contingencies Correlational Violent crime and television introduction Criminals watch more violent programming TV/Video games predict aggression at school Problems? Experimental Research as well.
Academic Learning Styles Characteristic ways of approaching material Based on culture, personality, and skills.
Activity Memletics Assignment Complete questionnaire sent through Blackboard. Print Results (“Styles Graph”) Page Answer 2 questions on the back: What is your reaction to the results? How might you use this information to improve your studying? Few sentences for each question. Quality responses necessary for full credit Due at the beginning of Saturday’s Class On time, In person
Memletics Visual Learner Aural (Auditory) Learner Verbal Learner Physical Learner Logical Learner Social Learner Solitary Learner