BRAGECRIM More information: Coordination: Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology Motivation: Manufacturing technology plays an essential role for the sustainable development of many countries. Brazil and Germany have collected an extended list of successful cooperations in business, science, technology and education. Still, an efficient and equivalent bilateral cooperation in the field of manufacturing technology can be established, through an adequate research framework program, to overcome remaining technological deficits. Middle and long term goals: To enforce the competitiveness of both countries in the global market By concentrating on innovation and extending it along the whole value added chain By the fast transfer of knowledge and results in short time to the industry By building focused project teams with complementary competences By exchanging experiences through the interchange of scientists Program framework: Some BRAGECRIM numbers: Total volume: 16 million Euros Approved research projects: 16 Period of program support: First phase: 07/2009 - 06/2011 Second phase: 07/2011 - 06/2013 Collaborative Innovative Improves efficiency and competitiveness .... Innovative Products / Customer Satisfaction Project Supply-Chain Logistics Machining Process Product Planning Market / Customer Requirements BRAGECRIM focus 16 cooperative projects Assembling Process German Institution Brazilian Institution Quality and Metrology São Carlos USP Florianópolis UFSC CERTI Curitiba PUC-PR Fortaleza UFC Porto Alegre UFRGS Rio de Janeiro PUC-RJ INMETRO Salvador UFBA SENAI Campinas UNICAMP Piracicaba UNIMEP São José dos Campos ITA Aachen RWTH Aachen University Fraunhofer IPT Berlin TU Berlin Fraunhofer IPK Braunschweig TU Braunschweig Bremen University of Bremen Clausthal- Zellerfeld TU Clausthal Dortmund University of Dortmund Frauhofer IML Darmstadt TU Darmstadt Ilmenau TU Ilmenau Paderborn University of Paderborn Stuttgart Fraunhofer IPA Kaiserslautern TU Kaiserslautern Hamburg TU Hamburg-Harburg Partner institutions: Kickoff-Meeting 2009 Piracicaba, Brazil Prof. Kleiner / DFG (left), Prof. Rezende / BR MCT Minister (right) Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, 2008, Brasilia, Brazil Prof. Samwer / DFG (left), Prof. Guimarães / CAPES (center), Prof. Zago / CNPq (right), Chancellor Merkel and President Lula (in background) Expected results: Pilot program with an international network for basic and applied research Development of strategic knowledge for competitiveness Technologies and applications, transferred to enterprises to promote innovation Continuous and stronger involvement of industrial partners in the research projects Skills enhancement of the professionals/researchers Scientific and educational documents Patents and other types of intellectual property Internet domain to spread the results GOAL Industry Education Research More information: Coordination: Financial support: