Holy Trinity Catholic School Headteacher’s Report to Governors Spring 2017
Staffing Staff Janice Flashman has left Holy Trinity after 12 years. She is taking up a new role in a local Art Gallery where she has been volunteering for the last 20 years. Mr Eustace will move from Year 4 to Year 5 as class TA. We have 4 student teachers working in school this term.
School Numbers Number on roll No for 2017 intake FS2 Year 1 Year 2 Total Not known 30 28 27 31 25 202 No of Catholics unknown 12 7 11 6 10 64 (32%) Basic characteristics of the school Characteristics National School Comparison Number on roll 269 202 below %free school meals 26 1.9 low %pupils from minority ethnic groups 30.7 7.7 Very low %EAL 19.5 14 Deprivation indicator 0.24 0.10 Average point score in Year 6 in 2015 28.8 31.2 Above average Pupils with SEN support 13 Average
Pupil Premium expenditure Total allocated for 2016-2017 £22,100 Focus on Learning in the curriculum 28% Focus on social, emotional and behaviour 26% Focus on enrichment beyond the curriculum 15% Focus on early intervention: 31% Action Allocation Desired Impact / Outcome TA small group /individual support 3 days each week £5,000 Emotional and social well-being of targeted pupils. Increase in pupil confidence and self esteem. To improve pupils’ achievement 1 x Additional teacher ½ day 4x weekly To improve pupil achievement by accelerating progress 3 days a week employ HSLW £6,500 Purchase of ICT equipment £1,000 To improve pupils’ achievement, motivate reluctant readers to writers Teacher one to one support £2,050 Improved results Pupil progress meetings 5 x annually Resources: Small world EYFS £900 To improve pupils’ achievement, motivate reluctant readers to read To help children develop a sense of number order and number pattern After School Clubs and school trips £400 Emotional and social well-being of targeted pupils. Increase in pupil confidence and self-esteem. To improve pupils’ achievement Financial support for Residential Trip and curriculum enhancement days £2,200 Pupil and parental feedback Theatre Bursary Pupil Feedback Music Tuition £870 Increase in self esteem and confidence-pupil questionnaire. Contribution Educational Psychologist £1,500 Expertise and help to meet the needs of children Continuing Professional Development: including Inclusive Strategies training £600 More effective planning and teaching to meet the needs of all children Total £26,920 Allocation of Pupil Premium money received £22,100
Just some of the events in Spring Term NSPCC coming in to school to talk to the children Year 3 and 4 are off to the Classical Spectacular in London for their wow day Chinese New Year Drumming lessons started Year 3 and 4 Ball Skills Good Shepherd assembly for the start of Lent Mrs Smart wins funding for a new Arts project Year 1 and 2 to visit Christ Church Oxford Mrs B and Mrs S were invited to London to celebrate being in the top 20 Academies in our region Mother’s Day assembly
Assessment- Point 3 Reading Writing Maths Year 1 Below 7 16 At+ 93 84 Above 30 20 Year 2 25 At 100 75 14 Year 3 22 29 78 71 4 Year 4 13 87 6 10 Year 5 43 26 77 57 74 23 Year 6 44 28 36 64 72 60 Shows % of end of year objectives achieved. Expected end of year objectives at this stage in the year is 50%
Assessment February Parents’ evenings went very well with all parents receiving highlighted Spring end of year objectives for their children. Second pupil progress meetings will be taking place and children who require early interventions have been identified. Action plans written for certain year groups/teachers
Staff Development Insets this term have focussed on: Autism Training, Maths, ICT, Writing moderation, Assessment Training undertaken in Spring NQT training Child Sexual Exploitation Raising the bar-Vulnerable Learners Oxfordshire Anti-Bullying conference Safeguarding Tapestry workshop for parents Mentoring Headteacher’s Briefing- Birmingham Young Carers Award
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Attendance 1.9.16-23.2.17 Pupil Premium Attendance None in Rec,1, 2 % unauthorised late Reception 95.45 0.26 0.2 Year 1 95.29 0.96 2.6 Year 2 97.84 0.33 0.65 Year 3 97.51 0.43 0.39 Year 4 96.93 0.15 1.13 Year 5 95.4 1.86 Year 6 96.22 0.52 1.33 Pupil Premium Attendance None in Rec,1, 2 Year 3 100% Year 4 99% Year 5 90% Year 6 94.9% 8 letters sent out to families who are consistently late 7 of the 8 letters had an impact and children are being brought to school on time. One further letter sent out threatening court action- parent responded to this letter. PP attendance to be addresses at parents’ evenings.
Behaviour Report January February Level 3 incidents 2 Level 4 Level 4 Fixed Term Exclusion Racist and bullying incidents (from 1st September- 23.2.17) Upto December Upto February Number of racist incidents Bullying incidents
Effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Priorities for Spring 2017 Maintain outstanding teaching Additional support for Upper Key Stage 2 class Ensure targets are displayed in classrooms and in children’s books Feedback and marking to as next step Focus on Year 6 for SATs
SDP Developments Prayer garden should be finished by Easter Adventure playground work to commence in Easter holidays Hosting RE cluster group New Year 3 and 4 Easter production Charity work New community art project Community award from Co-op Multi-faith week Visitors in school to talk to the children about vocations (opticians, trainee doctors) Young carers award
Catholic Life of the School Strengthens Children have a good understanding of why we do charity work Multi-cultural week ensured children have a good understanding of other beliefs Hymn practice has improved due to consistency of teacher Child lead collective worship has been very positive- Children feel responsible (JLT minutes) New signage has had a positive impact on how visitors initial view the school- comments Children have a n excellent knowledge of our school’s mission and why it is important Buddy system Regular meetings with Chair of Governors Children and staff feel respected and supported Whole curriculum has breath and depth-OFSTED May 2017 Involvement of the parish priest in our community- visits SEND and PP children making better than expected progress Outside agencies taking collective worship CAFOD, NSPCC Areas for action Children to further develop their role in collective worship More robust monitoring of catholic life-written reports to be more in-depth CPD for non catholic staff Develop prayer garden To encourage children to understand the value of prayer Self-evaluation of catholic life is built on regular monitoring- Regular meeting with Chair of Governors, a more in-depth report on Catholic life
Our school Mock election