Perins School Governors Committee 15th January 2015 1530 Staffroom Teaching and Learning Perins School Governors Committee 15th January 2015 1530 Staffroom
Agenda Patchwork update (NB) Presentation: Linda Bingham Library report Minutes of last meeting Matters Arising Students Curriculum (MN): RAISE Health and Safety Declaration of pecuniary interests AOB (and next meeting's presentation?)
Curriculum Summary Report- Dec 2014 (Un-validated) P:\DEPUTYHEADTEACHER\DATA\RAISE\2014 Summary Report updated March 2015 (un- validated) Final Summary Report published June 2015 (Validated) Working review document- P:\Leadership agendas\2015\Data folder\RAISE
Raise- Lessons to Learn SLT Analysis Contextual Attainment Progress Closing the Gap For each of the above headings our target groups/ EBacc cohort/ Threshold measures are analysed to cross reference with our in house tracking
Perins Employs these tools
Contextual Areas Notes Gender- 8;9;10 female bias Absence Free School Meals absence SEN Absence School Action Plus Whole School Exclusions Prior Attainment Destinations Adapt teaching/ SOW Below NA*- trend Slightly higher than NA* Higher than NA* Slightly above NA* Considerably below NA* sig+ above NA* (particularly Year 9) Trend- Excellent history of low/ 0% NEETS* *NA- National Average *NEETS- Not in Education / Employment or Training
Attainment Areas to Celebrate Areas for Development Average Points Score (APS) sig+ 30 points above NA Average Capped 8 sig+ above NA and a trend 5 A*-C + En & Ma sig above Nat average 5 A*-G sig+ above NA and trend APS for En & Ma sig+ above NA and trend EBacc 4 of 5 areas above NA with 3/5 sig+ Vocational Qualifications 100% passes APS School Action+ is sig- EBacc 1 of 5 areas below NA sig-
Progress Areas to Celebrate Areas for Development Best 8 VA 1008.6 sig+ Science VA 1001.5 sig+ Hums VA 1003.4 sig+ Boys progress in Maths sig+ White British VA1008.5 sig+ Girls VA 1024.7 sig + Non FSM* VA 1014.3 sig+ First Language English 1008.4 sig+ EBacc Science most categories green & sig+ EBacc Hums most categories green & sig+ FSM VA 961.3 sig – Disadvantaged sig – English SEN Sig- MFL VA 995.8 Sig – Low prior attainment groups in En & Ma *FSM= Free School Meals
Closing the Gap (Pupil Premium) Areas to Celebrate Areas for Development Boys in Ma sig+ Perins- 71%- NA- 62% Progress levels of Higher prior attainment En- Perins 100% NA-80% = +20%; exceeding expected levels = +16% Progress levels of Higher prior attainment Ma- Perins 86% NA-80% = +6%; exceeding expected levels = +16% Trends in +ve VA for Sci/ Hums EBacc Trend in performance against National figures Conversion rate are an area for the EBacc subjects to track En & Ma slower rate of improvement than would like Attainment and progress are variable between cohorts