The Hawthorns Primary School Strategic Plan


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Presentation transcript:

The Hawthorns Primary School Strategic Plan A Journey from Good to Outstanding 2012-2017 Mission Statement At The Hawthorns we are fortunate to have a well-equipped modern building and a school environment that encourages exploration, creative play and learning. The feeling of belonging and community is created by the collaboration of a team of knowledgeable, hard-working staff whose aim is to do the best they can for every child. They are supported by interested and active parents and governors. Children come to school eager to learn and we aim to encourage this positive attitude by providing learning opportunities that are memorable, challenging and tailored to the way each child learns best. The children in our school achieve high standards but even more importantly they develop personal skills which will ensure their future success. We aspire for our children to learn to be happy, confident, independent and aware of their responsibilities both to the school community and the world at large.

Our Vision – Belong, Believe, Achieve and Grow We are a community where all Feel safe Are happy Are valued Respect ourselves, others and the environment We are a community that Is inclusive Is supportive Is Caring Works through collaboration and teamwork Celebrates together Believe All who belong to the Hawthorn’s community are encouraged to Have shared values Be confident to take risks Have resilience Have self-belief Try their best and Work hard Have a positive outlook

Achieve Grow All at Hawthorns Have access to high quality facilities and resources Aim high Have aspirations Are always striving to improve Have high expectations Aim to ‘be the best you can be’ Know the standards we set Apply these standards both to the academic as well as behaviour Grow At Hawthorns the adults are focussed on A vision for the whole child Unlocking potential So that as well as becoming highly literate and numerate, pupils Develop the aspirational qualities Become life-long learners Acquire life skills Are treated as individuals Develop multiple talents including creativity Become rounded individuals  

1. Have continued excellent outcomes for all of our pupils Strategic Plan  To fulfil this vision we have set ourselves the following key priorities:   1. Have continued excellent outcomes for all of our pupils Achievement and progress is outstanding for all children, in all areas 2. Consistent high standards of teaching, learning and assessment There is good and outstanding teaching through inspirational lessons Teachers and children make the right assessment about where children are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there 3. Strong effective leadership A planned creative, broad and challenging curriculum, enriched by visits and experiences is available for all children. Leaders have deep and accurate understanding of the school’s performance and of staff and pupil’s skills and attributes. Leaders have a passionate pursuit of excellence in all of the school’s activities and a constant drive for improvement. There is effective use of resources in a time of financial difficulty 4. An environment where all feel safe and valued We maintain our judgement of outstanding for Behaviour, Welfare and Safeguarding through rigorous monitoring and review of procedures, policy and outcomes for pupils.

How will we meet these priorities? A school improvement and development plan each year will target the priorities for the academic year as well as plan for aspects which need further development. This will be integral to the school’s self-evaluation process and will include input from staff, governors, pupils and parents. An annual self-evaluation will establish any changes to the context of the school, the outcomes of targets set for the year, areas of strength and areas which need further development. Priorities for focus will be set for the next academic year based on thorough analysis of data and monitoring summaries.

The Hawthorns Primary School Strategic Plan Moving from Good To Outstanding A Four Year Overview of Improvement Priorities 2013-2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 Raise Leadership and Management to outstanding by leaders and managers using assessment information consistently well to increase the rates of progress of different groups of children (SEN, ethnic minorities) To improve the progress in Maths especially for SEN school action and Key Stage 1 level 3 moving to level 5. Raise the quality of teaching to outstanding through effective marking and feedback and use of AFL and improve child-initiated activities at EYFS. Review the curriculum in light of the new national curriculum. To develop the role of middle leaders including subject leadership and leaders of standards. Develop an effective assessment system for the new curriculum both as a summative record of progress and as a tool for establishing prior knowledge leading to focussed planning. To narrow the gap in achievement in writing between girls and boys. To improve the learning environment for EYFS to support quality child-initiated learning. To use the new assessment systems and assessment for learning effectively to plan for and monitor the progress of all pupils. To increase higher ‘levels’ of writing in all year groups and for all groups of pupils but especially for boys. Continue to establish and embed the new curriculum, linking closely with assessment. Use the outdoor environment to improve academic progress and social/emotional intelligence through Forest School. To improve the progress in writing from KS1 to KS2 To use the new assessment systems and assessment for learning effectively to plan for and monitor the progress of all pupils. Use the outdoor environment to improve academic progress and social/emotional intelligence through Forest School.

Achieve Ofsted grade of outstanding. Strategic Plan Element of plan Vision link Actions Timescale Key Performance Indicator Evidence Excellent outcomes for all pupils Achieve Maintain high attainment and progress in reading and writing July 2014 & annually Attainment maintained above national levels Data- raise on line Progress in Maths in line with Reading and Writing July 2014 Performance in Maths closer to reading and writing 2015 Improve writing attainment at KS1 to above national and progress in writing at KS2 July 2016 KS1 writing attainment above national KS2 progress in writing above national Internal data and raise on line Consistent high standards of teaching, learning and assessment Believe High quality monitoring of teaching, learning and assessment which leads to focussed CPD Over 50% of teaching and learning graded as outstanding. Figure improves year on year. Achieve Ofsted grade of outstanding. SEF monitoring report   2014 Develop new assessment system Effective new assessment system established Data reports

Element of plan Vision link Actions Timescale Key Performance Indicator Evidence   Achieve Grow 2014 Develop the new national curriculum July 2016 A creative, broad and challenging curriculum established Curriculum map. Pupil’s work Displays Strong effective leadership Rigorous analysis of data and monitoring to target areas for improvement Termly Data reports and internal assessment systems provide the detail needed. Data reports Believe Belong Passionate pursuit of excellence Strength of leadership reflected in pupil outcomes Parent, pupil and staff surveys Succession planning for the maintenance of a strong leadership team Recruit and retain the right people CPD that develops effective teachers and TAs Annually Strong ethos reflected in all who belong to the school Strong teaching team Parent, pupil and staff surveys and feedback Pupil outcomes across the school 2015 -Effective use of resources in a time of financial difficulty 2017-2018 Reduce the deficit in the budget to 2% while maintaining quality Three year Budget plan

Element of plan Vision link Actions Timescale Key Performance Indicator Evidence An environment where all feel safe and valued Belong Believe Grow Rigorous monitoring and review of procedures and policies for behaviour, welfare and safeguarding. 2014 and then annually Maintain Ofsted grade of outstanding Policies, audits, stakeholder surveys   2015 Forest School to further develop character development and attitudes 2016 established Impact of Forest School enhancing ethos and behaviours of pupils Impact reports, stakeholder surveys A school which stays at the forefront of developments in education 2015 Investigate the benefits of Academisation Continue to develop collaboration with other schools through the Future Thinking Partnership Collaborate in research projects SSAT and access EEF research summaries 2018 2014 2015 Make a decision on becoming an Academy Impact of collaboration visible in CPD and Peer evaluation Up to date with recent research in Education- impact seen on teaching Governor working party FTP impact reports SSAT correspondence Staff feedback