Gender Equality for Senior and Executive Management Positions France David Corbé-Chalon 15 May 2017 Introductory presentation
Key Characteristics & Figures: Civil Service in France A career-based system based on competitive recruitment 3 branches: State, Local and Hospital 5.4 million agents, including military, police, teachers, nurses 70 % are established civil servants 62 % are women Career system : - Nomination into a grade of the civil service is for life – Nomination into a position/job is revocable - Confirmation into a grade after nomination into a corps as trainee, following – most of the time – a training period in a public service school Possibility to move to a higher grade or even corps/category by way of examination or of choice of one’s hierarchy 3 hierarchical categories: A, B & C
Key Figures: Senior and Executive Civil Servants Around 121 500 agents i.e. 2.3 % of the civil service State 10 3 600 4.3 % of the branch Local 12 300 0.6 % Hospital 5 600 0.5 % 40 % of women : State 38 % Local 52 % Hosp 46 % Average age : 48.1 y.o. : State 47.6 Local 52 Hosp 48.8 Average remuneration : State 7 700 euros including 45 % bonuses & allowances Local 5 898 euros 40 % Hospital 6 603 euros Age: both women & men
Senior and Executive Civil Servants: Positions and Pool Branch Position Pool: “Corps” State : ministerial departments - Positions at Government’s discretion: e.g. Ambassador, Prefect, Secretary General, Central Administration Director - Superior management and expertise, e.g. Head of Department, Sub-Director - State territorial administration management - State / Audit Court / Foreign Affairs Councilor - General Inspectors - Civil / Finances / Statistics Administrators - Environment / Economics Engineers - Architects and Urbanists, Curators of Heritage Local: regions, départements, municipalities > 80000 - Director-General / Dpty-Director-General of Services - Director-General of Technical Services - Territorial Administrator - Territorial Engineer Hospital: University / Regional Hospitals, Sanitary / Social Centers - Director - Superior management - Superior Medical Care management - Hospital Director - Sanitary / Social Center Director - Hospital Engineer Pool: Displayed list of corps shows only « A+ » But positions are also open to agents from « A corps » who have occupied some « fonctional positions » for 8 to 10 years
Gender Equality for all SCSs: Context & Background 62% of civil servants are women, but still: gender specialization regarding occupations under-representation of women among superior management positions Need for the civil service to be exemplary for the society as a whole: Tighten social cohesion: reduction of stereotypes Improve performance: focus on skills Since 2012, a dedicated policy aims to break the “glass ceiling”: Target figures for a balanced representation among: superior management, executive boards of public entities and selection juries Signature of an agreement on professional equality on 8 March 2013 Ministerial action plans on professional equality Refined statistical studies A key mechanism: Balanced appointments among senior and executive positions (UNPSA 2015 winner)
Balanced Appointments for all SCSs: Goals & Design Requirement of 40% of each gender: among the new nominees to the main positions of superior management in the 3 branches of civil service 5 000 positions are covered: 3 000 in the State civil service positions at Government’s discretion : secretary general of ministry, director of central administration, prefect, ambassador other State positions : head of department, sub-director 1 600 in the Local civil service direction of regions, départements, cities > 80 000 400 in the Hospital civil service all direction positions Efficiency guaranteed by financial penalties 5 000 positions covered out of 22 500 Superior positions Difference of scope between new nominations and penalty: Quota applies to new nominations in a given group of positions inside a ministerial department BUT penalty applies only to each ministerial department taken as a whole, regardless of groups of positions
Balanced Appointments for all SCSs: Implementation Policy Policy applies only to new nominations, excluding renewals or appointments to a similar position in the same ministry A progressive entry into force: Follow-up mechanism: Annual auto-declaration by each administration, incl. penalty Annual report on balanced nomination s 20 % quota 30 000 € penalty 2013-2014 30 % quota 60 000 € penalty 2015-2016 40 % quota 90 000 € penalty From 2017 Flexible scope: extended to Health regional agencies directors Acceleration of the final goal: initially 2018, it became 2017 by law N.2014-873 of 4 August 2014 on actual equality between men and women. Computation rules : For the State, proportion calculated for each ministry For the Local civil service: proportion calculated for each territorial authority when a territorial authority hasn’t proceeded to 5 nominations in the course of a year, the respect of the requirement is scrutinized the year the cycle of 5 nominations is reached For the Hospital civil service, proportion calculated globally Penalty applies for each missing unit, i.e. each actually missing nomination (rounding rule to the nearest inferior whole unit)
Balanced Appointments for all SCSs: First Results 20 % goal outreached for the 2 first years of implementation 2013: almost 33 % of women in new appointments 2014: 33% overall despite sectorial differences 30 % goal globally outreached in 2015 with 33.6 % women: State: 33 % = 176 out of 531 new nominations Local: 32,5 % = 101 311 Hospital: 40 % = 36 90 Financial penalties applied, for the first time, to 5 territorial authorities Where do we stand ? Results are still pending regarding 2016 (second year of 30 % goal) From now, efforts have to be conducted to reach the 40 % goal in 2017 onwards 2013: among 1801 nominations, 886 were new nominations, out of which 33% were women 2014: among 1928 nominations, 1093 were new nominations, out of which 33% were women BUT sectorial differences : State: 30% Local: 28,5% Hospital: 55% 2015: among 932 new nominations, 313 were women. State: two ministerial departments did not reach the 30% goal, but were not missing one whole unit = no financial penalty applied (0,7 unit for the services of the Prime minister, 0,6 unit for the department of culture) Local: disparities between territorial authorities: Départements, Conurbations & Regions : 34%, 33% and 31% BUT Municipalities > 80 000 : only 28% However, wait for a complete cycle of 5 nominations to appreciate whether a financial penalty is due Hospital: Only 9,6% of positions covered by the balanced nominations policy Tendency to appoint women more to medical care management positions than to executive management positions Penalties applied in 2015: 5 territorial authorities : 1 Region, 1 Département, 3 groups of municipalities Represent 18 % of the nominations in the Local CS because only 28 territorial authorities are bound by the policy 60 000 € for each missing unit Follow-up on 2016: Deadline for ministries to produce their annual declaration was 30/04, and results regarding territorial and hospital sectors will be known by the end of the summer.
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Thank You David Corbé-Chalon