Consultation Outcomes Report Oldham Short Breaks Summer School Holiday Trips 2017 Monday, May 29, 2017
Introduction POINT Activity have once again been selected to provide the Short Breaks Summer School Holidays Trips in 2017 and as is now tradition, we have consulted with families to get their views so that we can effectively plan trips which meet the needs of families accessing Short Breaks in Oldham. As part of our planning process a consultation was circulated on XX / April 2017 which sought YOUR views about the preferred destinations, days and costs of this years trips. The consultation was open for responses up to and including Friday 26th May 2017. This summary enables you to see the responses and the conclusion to the consultation including information about this years planned programme, dates and pricing. During the week commencing 29th May 2017, POINT will be finalising the details of each with our chosen coach hire partners and venues before the official booking date, details of which can be found at the end of this document. So let’s have a look at what you said…
Q1: Please let us know your choice of venue for this years trips by selecting one or more of the options below. If your preferred choice of venue is not listed then please add this in the 'other' box provided. In addition to the venues shown on the list, 3 further suggestions were made by YOU as follows: Light water valley Sandcastle Blackpool Fishing trip learn to fish. Hollinworth lake water sports day. picnic in the park OUTCOME: Having considered all of the responses, POINT have concluded that the venue for this years trips will be as follows: Flamingo Land Chester Zoo Gulliver’s World
Q2: Oldham Council subsidises these trips through the Short Breaks grant at present which means that you do not pay the full costs of the trip. Please could you indicate below how much you would be willing to pay towards these trips as this will determine which trip venue's POINT can consider.. Answered: 44 Skipped: 0 Just under 29% of you said £7.50 was the most reasonable with 34% stating £10 was fair and 37% saying £12.50 was acceptable. As the question stated, the trips receive a small subsidy and we have now taken into consideration YOUR views on pricing alongside your choice of venue for this years trips.
Q3: Transport and entrance fees are different for each trip depending on the location and activity you visit. POINT need to ensure that the costs are covered effectively and are proposing to charge based on the costs of the trip rather than a flat fee as we have done previously.For example: if you book a Chester Zoo Trip, this may incur a charge of £10 per person, whereas Gullivers World may be £7.50 per person. Please could you indicate if you agree or disagree with this proposal and also let us know why by adding a comment in the box provided. Answered: 44 Skipped: 0 In addition to your responses to the previous question, overwhelmingly you agreed that pricing should be based on the specific destination. 99% of you agreed with this statement. OUTCOME: The outcome based on chosen venues is that this years trips will be priced as follows: Flamingo Land £12.50 per person (This is the most expensive venue and incurs the highest transport costs). Based on a family of 4, this price represents a saving of % based on standard entry not taking travel into account. Chester Zoo £10 per person – This price not considering transport costs represents a % saving based on standard entry for a family of 4 Gulliver's World £10 per person – Again this represents a saving on % based on a family of 4 We have worked hard to keep costs to a minimum, however rising transport costs and entry fees mean prices need to reflect the costs incurred. We hope you agree we have managed to do a negotiate well!
Q4: Please tell us what days of the week the trips should be planned for.You can select more than one answer to this question. Answered: 44 Skipped: 0 In line with previous years consultations, you overwhelmingly told us that weekends are the best time to operate the Short Breaks Summer Trips programmes, with Friday, Saturday and Sunday’s being the favoured days. We have consulted with our transport providers and the venues and the best deals we could secure were on Sundays. Whilst this was not the highest rated day, when combined with the cost savings, this keeps costs and charges to a minimum whilst still being on one of the most popularly selected days of operation. OUTCOME: As a result of your feedback POINT are pleased to confirm that the trips will operate as follows for Summer 2017: Sunday 23rd July 2017 - Chester Zoo Sunday 6th August 2017 - Flamingo Land Sunday 20th August 2017 - Gulliver's World
What happens next During this week (Week Commencing 29th May 2017) POINT will be making the final arrangements with Coach Companies and the Venue’s in preparation for taking bookings The trips will go on sale at 9am on Monday 5th June 2017 and the following process will apply to bookings Bookings will be taken by telephone ONLY. No bookings will be taken in advance of 9am on 5th June. Bookings must be made by individual families. Group bookings on behalf of friends and family will not be accepted. This will ensure that all families have equal access to places available. Each family will be entitled to book one trip only to ensure fair access for all families. If your chosen trip is full, a waiting list will be operated and POINT will contact you if places become available Payment must be made within 7 days of booking. Where payment is not received, places will be allocated to other families on the waiting list.
Conclusion Once again, thanks to your feedback, we have an exciting Summer Trips Programme planned for 2017. We hope that being open about your feedback and detailing the responses and outcomes, you can see how the trips, pricing and dates have been determined. We know we will see many of you on the trips and POINT are really looking forward to spending some fun time with you again this summer. If you have any questions about the consultation process, then please contact POINT by email to and we will respond to your questions as soon as possible. Remember: Please do not contact POINT to make a booking until 9am on 5th June 2017 when we will be ready to take your details. Thanks for your participation in this consultation. TEAM POINT