Presented by Tami Tyner Forum for HB5 Presented by Tami Tyner
HB5 Released Changes PI calculation override for HB5 rates and dates for tax year 2016 forward and an option to shut off PI calculations. Added holiday maintenance menu item for users to specify their holidays for the year. Auto PI warning for separating 2016 forward for HB5 rates. Payment plan warning on 2016 year forward for interest rate and no monthly penalty.
HB5 Released Changes Changed Quick JE to use the former JE amount for years 2015 and prior and to use $10 for 2016 forward. Added a withholding remittance report so that users could see and change the pays/year on withholding accounts per HB5 rules. Added a message to payable refund report that $10 and under need not be issued. Changed the due dates on our standard Net profit declaration statement print.
HB5 Proposed Changes Withholding Quarterly due date moved from 15 days after the quarter to the last day of the month after the quarter ends. Penalty and Interest calculation on type 15 transactions. Report for the state requested NOL actual and projected figures, if needed. NOL 5 year carry forward phase in; discussion is needed.
NOL Discussion For those with current 5 year NOL carry, does their process change? 2 Interpretations of the available amount in 2018-2022: 50% of the original loss amount can be used 50% of the remaining loss amount can be used See the example spreadsheet
Contact CMI To change dates on custom forms To adjust Pre-HB5 Penalty and Interest calculations To shut off Penalty and Interest calculations When you know about legislation changes locally or at state level that have been passed and affect your software, such as rates, credits, or dates
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Thank you! We’re glad you were here and hope this session had value for you. If you have any questions, please contact us using the methods below: Presenter’s Name: Tami Tyner Presenter’s Phone number: 800-686-9313 X3152 Presenter’s Email: