Step Four Celebrating Holidays.


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Presentation transcript:

Step Four Celebrating Holidays

Date: 28. 01. 2015. Form: 6 “А”. I. Aims of the lesson: 1 Date: 28.01.2015. Form: 6 “А”. I. Aims of the lesson: 1.Educational: To introduce the new words and expressions concerning the theme and consolidate them in different forms of activities. 2.Developing: To develop language skills and enlarge the vocabulary stock speaking about “celebrating holidays” 3.Upbringing: To bring up the feeling of love for their country. To enhance their respect for people of other nationalities.

Stages Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity I.Organization moment: -Good morning, dear children! -Good morning, dear teacher! –I’m glad to see you! -Sit down, please. -How are you? -Fine thanks! -Who is absent today? -All are present. -What is the date today? -Today is the 28th of January -What is the day today? -Today is Monday Stages Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity Beginning -Good morning, dear children! –I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please. -Good morning, dear teacher! Fine thanks! For today? I am your English teacher. How are you?-Who is absent today? -All are present. -What is the date today? -Today is the 28th of January -What is the day today? -Today is Monday

Т: Today we will have an unusual lesson, because we'll speak about Holidays. Besides, there are too many guests today in our class-room, that's why let's show them our language skills. The topic of our lesson today will be «Сelebrating Holidays". We'll see your knowledge of Holidays, sing songs, and have some funny competitions.

II. Warm-up How many English words can you find in the word “whitewash”? Make as many words as possible. Example: whitewash eat __________

IV. Introduce the new lesson. 1)Ok. The theme of our lesson is “Celebrating Holidays”. Today we are going to talk about celebrating holidays. 2)New words (work with vocabulary).

Pronunciation practice Listen and read Giving to pupils paper with new words. I will read new words and the pupils repeated. Every group will read and correct the mistakes each other. Decorate [dekәreit], v- украшать Chimmey [tſimni], n- дымаход Celebrate [selibreit],v- праздновать Neighbour [neibә], n- сосед Costume [kәstju:m],n- наряд Guest [gest], n- гость Knock [nok], v- стучаться Trick [trick],n- Threat [Өret],n- страх Roast [rәust],adj- жаренный Turkey [tә:ki],n- индюк Pie [pai], n- пирошки Sock [sok],n- носки Stocking [stokin],n- чулок Nation [neiſәn],n- нация National [neiſәnәl ],n- национальность Tradition [trәdition], n- традиция Traditional [trәditionәl] - традиционный

3) Then pupils work with ex: 2p.118 Read and translate the text about holidays. People in Britain celebrate this holiday in January. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumes and cover their faces masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives, neighbors. It’s a holiday for children in Britain. Children dressed in costumes knock on the neighbors’ door and ask: “Would you like “treat” or “trick”? Give them a “treat” (money or sweets). They go away.

c) People celebrate this holiday in March in Kazakhstan c) People celebrate this holiday in March in Kazakhstan. People have “kozhe”, “baursak”, “drink”, “kymyz” and “shubat”. Over 100 nationalities celebrate this holiday. They love it. d)People in many countries decorate Christmas trees and give each other presents. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of the bed on December 24. They hope that Santa Claus will come down the chimney during the night and bring them presents. The special food is a big turkey and Christmas pudding.

1.January 1-New Year holiday

2. October 31-Halloween

3. November-Thanksgiving

3. November-Thanksgiving

4.December 25-Christmas Day

5.March 22- Nauryz holiday

sing a song ‘’If you are happy ‘’ If you are happy and you know clap your hands 2-times . If you are happy and you know and you really want to show If you are happy and you know clap your hands .

Things we give and receive celebrations holidays Special food Occation activities Things we give and receive

Things we give and receive celebrations holidays Special food Occation activities Things we give and receive Parties January 1 new year holiday October 31 Halloween November Thanksgiving December 25 Christmas Day March 22 Nayryz holiday Roast turkey Puddings Pumpkin pie potatoes wear costumes play a trick knock on the door gather together decorate Flowers sweets money gifts cards

And at the end of the lesson Let’s dance together

Excellent! Good! I don’t understand!

VI. Giving Home task. Ok, your home task will be learn new words by heart.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!! You have worked very hardly today. Your marks are excellent. The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye!!!