2nd AESS Summit September 18 2008 Quebec City, Canada 18Sep2008
Promoting the Systems Engineering Vision Transnationally. The Second AESS Summit is held in at the Delta-Quebec in Quebec City, Canada on 18 September 2008. Theme: Promoting the Systems Engineering Vision Transnationally. Full day Summit for all the AESS Chapter Chairs from international Chapters and US . Focus- Chapter Activities, organizational scope, and ways to improve the society for its membership. Held breakout sessions on major Chapter topics Provide feedback to AESS Board of Governors to identify Chapters top priorities for 2008. 18Sep2008
Continental Breakfast 8:00 - 8:30 am Time Agenda Item Presenter 7:30 - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 - 8:30 am Introductions and Meeting Information Ron Ogan 8:30 - 9:15 am President’s Vision Bob Rassa 9:15 - 9:45 am AESS Strategy Paul Gartz 9:45 - 10:00 am Break 10:00 am – 10:45 noon 10:45 AM - 12:00 noon Educational Online Tutorials Program Open discussion on issues 1-4 (in outline above) Chris Dyer 12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 – 2:45 pm Break-out Sessions to provide Chapter issues by geographic region Chapter Chairs, Ron Ogan Bob Rassa, Paul Gartz Marina Ruggieri 2:45 – 3:00 pm 3:00 – 4:30 pm Chapter operation and membership development training AESS BoG attendees 4:30 – 5:00 pm Out-brief and Action Items All 18Sep2008
Total AESS expense allowance for Chapter Summit Regions 1-R7 17 attendees US$ 2,263.80 each max. Regions 8 and 10 8 attendees US$3,463.80 each max. Expense reports processed for R1-R7 $ 10,899.45 Estimated for 11 R1-R7 attendees @ $2263.80 $ 24,901.80 Estimated for 8 R8 and R10 attendees @ $3463.80 $ 27,710.40 Board attendees $ 15,000.00 Delta Quebec Hotel charges + dinner $ 5,000.00 Total projected expense $ 72,612.20 Board attendees (Judy Scharmoann+ Chris Dyer), Bob Rassa, Marina Ruggieri, Paul Gartz, Ron Ogan $15,000 expense estimated 18Sep2008
Quebec City IEEE Sections Congress Quebec City Convention Center Sections Congress Events Hilton Quebec Hotel Quebec City, Canada 19 – 22 September 2008 Quebec City 18Sep2008
Regions 1-6 North America Region 7 Canada Region 8 Europe, Africa and Northern Asia Region 9 Central and South America Region 10 SE Asia and Australia 18Sep2008
AESS Chapter Summit Issues List -Objectives 1. Building dynamic Chapters with focus on a balance of new and experienced officers. Identify Chapter needs, strengths and weaknesses and propose candidate solutions that involve increased Chapter and/or inter-Chapter interaction to help achieve membership growth. 2. Detail the roles of International Directors, AESS Board of Governors and Chapter officers. Big question - are International Directors working? Is this a worthwhile concept? Should they be doing more? 3. Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society Products and Services- How may AES better support the membership as seen by its affiliate Chapters 4. What is the reaction to the new Online tutorials program? Are there any suggestions for content, or cost of delivery? 5.Detail the Educational Video Tutorials Program and tell how Chapters can participate and promote AESS. 6. How are our publications viewed (Transactions/ Magazine)? favorable, mixed? Any suggestions for improvement? 7. How are our Conferences viewed? Good coverage? Serving the membership? Geographically significant? Are there suggestions for more local Workshops/Symposia/Conferences that we may seek to initiate? 8. Are our Technical Panels significant? Are they active around the globe? Are there suggestions for new Panels? For local instantiations of some of the Panels? 18Sep2008
AESS Chapter Summit Recommeded Actions 1. Provide frequent information to the Chapters 2. Explain role of International Directors and have them contact the Chapters in the region. 3. Provide free access to the AESS Video training program for Chapter members 4. Update the Distinguished Lecturers more frequently and provide support for Chapters when requesting a DL and receive no response after multiple tries – e.g. Eli Brookner for LASC 5.The AESS magazine does not cover all of the topics of interest and the format may need to be updated. 6. How are our publications viewed (Transactions/ Magazine)? favorable, mixed? Any suggestions for improvement? 7. Conduct mini-conferences in each region on new technology topics – AESS Roadshow 8. Chapters would like more interaction and understanding of the Technical Panels 18Sep2008
Quraish Bakir-George-Judy 18Sep2008
AESS Chapter Attendees 18Sep2008