M.A.T.C.H. Professional Series: Module Four Adult Learning Theory Time allotted for slides 1-4: 10 minutes Materials needed for this module (3 hours): Flipchart paper Markers Brain Rules Handout Plan 8.5 x 11 paper
M.A.T.C.H. Professional Series Eleven 3-hour training modules Goals: Share and practice effective strategies Gain new information, resources and tools Enhance reflection Develop a community of practice Handout 1A: Series Outline The modules are based on the M.A.T.C.H. knowledge and competencies and current evidence based research and practices. Review the bullet points on this slide with participants. Offer additional information regarding the purpose for the series by sharing the following: Increase strategies and resources for mentoring, coaching, and consultation for MATCH professionals working in VT. To enhance skills in self-awareness, flexible response, reflection and problem solving To provide consistent content and skills based on the MATCH Knowledge and Competencies state-wide, while addressing regional and individual needs Review Handout 1A with participants. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Our Time Together Working Together: Connection and Community Inquiry and Sharing: Capacity Building Learning Exploring Applying and Planning Share with participants that each module will have consistent components, however, the flow may look different within each module (Some modules will have a learn section and follow with exploring, and then move into a new learning piece followed by exploring. Other modules may have one learning section followed by exploring and then move right into applying and planning). As you share the components with the participants, highlight which icon is associated with which component. Working Together: Connection and Community (circle with people) Inquiry and Sharing: Capacity Building (question mark) Learning (book) Exploring (magnifying glasses) Applying and Planning (pencil) MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Objectives for Today: Identify adult learning principles Understand the importance of an active learning process Describe characteristics of adult learners Share the bullet points with participants. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Working Together: Connection and Community Time allotted for this section: 20 minutes MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Shared Agreements ENGAGE Silence phones, please Limit sidebars during whole group Assume positive intent Hold confidentiality Take care of yourself What else? Review the slide with participants. Ask the group if there are ideas or requests they would like to ask of you and their colleagues to help make the environment conducive for sharing, understanding and learning from and with one another. Using chart paper, write down and capture their responses. Ask participants if there are other agreements to add; ask if everyone can agree to these. Facilitator Tip: Keep this piece of chart paper with agreements and bring to each session. You can change the slide to include additional participant agreements for the upcoming sessions. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Reflection and Connection When you have experienced support and help from another person, what made the difference? The Three C’s: Competence Confidence Capacity Describe what made a difference using the three C’s as headings or areas. Small groups will discuss and note their responses on flipchart paper. Sharing with the larger group. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Inquiry and Sharing: Capacity Building Time allotted for this section: 40 minutes Let participants know you are moving into inquiry and sharing. Explain that for each module, there will be opportunity to share and discuss current happenings in their work, as well as ask questions and for feedback. Facilitator Note: The ways in which the group will experience inquiry and sharing within each module will differ. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Strategies for Engagement Create small groups of 3-5 people In your group, develop share current happenings and brainstorm strategies and questions you can use in your work for the following: Getting to know your client Discussing your work together Determining the client’s goals Determining the client’s expectations Sharing your expectations Discussing options and opportunities for learning together Provide flipchart paper in markers. Each small group can share 1 example from each area. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Learning Time allotted for this section: 50 minutes MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Adult Learners Autonomous and self-directed Have lots of life experiences and knowledge Goal-oriented Relevancy-oriented Practical Need to be shown respect Adult learners see themselves as self-directed human beings, or as growing in that direction. This means that adult learners want to feel independent or want to move from dependency to independence. MATCH professionals need to avoid making new clients feel dependent on them, and to help new clients move out of a dependent relationship. Adult learners have many experiences that are resources for learning. This means adult learners want to draw on their own experiences for learning whenever possible. Adult learners have goals and want to develop their ability to carry out their roles in society. This means adult learners want to be competent as workers, community members, parents, etc. The adult learner has a present-oriented time perspective. This means adult learners want to learn what will help them now. . Adult learners are also problem-centered. This means adults want to focus on what they need to know to solve a specific problem. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
What Does This Mean in Practice? Include the adult learner in the process Include previous experiences and provide opportunities for new experience Focus on the adult learner’s interests Must be relevant to the immediate situation of the adult learner Begin with the problem, not the solution Review points on the slide MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Experience and Learning “To children, experience is something that happens to them; to adults, their experience is who they are. The implication of this for adult education is that in any situation in which an adults’ experience is ignored or devalued, they perceive this as not rejecting just their experience, but rejecting them as persons.” -Malcolm Knowles Read quote MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Discussion If adults define themselves by their experiences, how might this influence how they learn? How might this emphasis on experiences influence how you interact with and support your clients? Conduct a large group discussion using the questions on this slide and referring back to the quote on the previous slide It’s not important that participants articulate what Knowles says but that they explore one of the primary principles of adult learning: The importance of using the experiences of adults in the training classroom. The knowledge they bring to training refers also to their past experiences. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Preparing a Poem Form small groups of 3-4 people You will write a short poem Use Adult Learning as your topic Use the first letter of each individual’s name (in your group) as the starting letter for each line of your poem Write down your poem and share with the larger group Provide participants with blank white paper. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Pyramid of Learning 10 % READING 20% HEARING 30% SEEING 40% HEARING & SEEING Highlight the ways that people learn information. DISCUSS WITH OTHERS 70% 90% TALK/WRITE OR DO/APPLY MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts 3 Basic Learning Styles Visual: Learning through watching, observing, and reading Demonstrations, visual examples Auditory: Learning through listening Case discussions, lectures Kinesthetic: Learning through doing, practicing, and touching Role plays, practice techniques (i.e., blood draws) As much as possible, try to use methods that engage different types of learners since you may not know how your client learns best. The more methods that you can incorporate into your teaching moments, the more likely you will cover material in a way that the client can grasp effectively. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Domains of Learning LEARNING Psychomotor Relates to the physical skills and/or performance of motor tasks, moving from observation to mastery of a skill. Cognitive Move from simple knowledge recall to more complex processes, like synthesis of information and evaluation. Affective Emphasizes feeling, tone, emotion, or degree of acceptance or rejection. It is important to realize that learning is not simply acquiring facts—learners must feel that what they are doing is important, and must have the relevant skills to provide quality health care. According to Bloom at the University of Chicago (1956), learning can be classified into three domains, or categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Each domain has subcategories that move from simple to more complex processes. Some people may be more familiar with the categories “knowledge,” “attitudes,” and “practice,” which are similar to Bloom’s categories, but in Bloom’s system, knowledge is a subcategory within the cognitive domain. It is less important to know the names of the domains than it is to understand them to engage clients in the different domains of learning, which will lead to more holistic and comprehensive training. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Preparing a Poem: Continued Move back into your small groups (group in which you wrote a short poem) Next, create something else to go along with your poem, such as a melody, movement Prepare directions for how you would like your poem to be performed by another group Review points on the slide. Ask small groups to work on a next step for their poem. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Brain Rules: John Medina Exercise Survival Wiring Attention Short-term Memory Long-term Memory Sleep Stress Sensory Integration Vision Gender Exploration Provide handout, Brain Rules, to review with participants. Discuss ways these things apply to their role as a MATCH professional and supporting others’ learning. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Tips Capture attention by triggering emotion Convey general ideas before details Make sure examples are relevant Teach complex information and processes in small segments Repeat information at discrete intervals—repeat to remember; remember to repeat! Review slide with participants. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Exploring Time allotted for this section: 35 minutes MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
Preparing a Poem: Continued Trade your poem and directions with another group As a group, learn how to “perform” the poem and practice performing Each group will take turns performing for the larger group MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Applying and Planning Time allotted for this section: 35 minutes MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Action Planning Choose one knowledge area from the Self- Assessment that you would like to focus on Choose one of the standards, resources, or competencies from this knowledge area that you would like to focus on Use the action planning form to write a goal and action steps to meet that goal Facilitator Note: Encourage each participant to set a small, measurable goal that can be achieved within the next few weeks. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts Reflection Share one thing from today that stands out to you Share your goal Time allotted for this section: 10 minutes Depending on the size of the group, you may wish to reflect and share with partners, small groups, or whole group. MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts
MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts “No man is wise enough by himself”. Plautus Date, time and location of next module: MATCH Module 4 - slide handouts