« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » Mrs « Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » Mrs. Anne-Sophie Martin PhD Candidate – Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » 1) Introduction. 2) Space Capabilities as Platforms for Terrorist Activities. 3) Examining Options for an International Response to Terrorism. 4) An Overview on the United Nations Institutions to Combat Terrorism. 5) Conclusion.
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » Introduction The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development => Goal 16 « […] to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime ». New threats coming from non-States actors. The sceptre of terrorism is on the rise across worlwide, affecting the entire globe. The threat is common and demands a widespread response by the international community. One standard element of the terrorist attacks : extraodinary level of communication, coordination and networking, in part enabled by space capabilities.
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » 2) Space Capabilities as Platforms for Terrorists Activities Terrorists abuse space capabilities to kill, injure and cause destruction. The use of GNSS, SATCOM or free imagery satellite to infiltrate borders, to conceal and relocate their weapons and to reach their destination during their attacks. Breaking the backbone of the factors of communication, coordination and networking is a complex and tough task. The level of coordination in the recent strikes point to an increasing use of modern technology by terroritsts to achieve their aims and acts.
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » 3) Examining Options for an International Response to Terrorism Promoting international cooperation in the use of outer space (Articles 1, 3 and 6 of the Outer Space Treaty). Providing space capabilities to inhibit terrorist activity => under the auspices of an internationally recognised body like the United Nations. Selectively denying SATCOM and GNSS => undertaken with great caution, consultation and on a case to case basis. The case of Remote Sensing: UN Doc A/AC.105/2016/CRP. 18, Combating Terrorism Using Space Technology. RS data in order to identify terrorist hideouts as well as to save human lives.
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » 4) An Overview on the United Nations Institutions to Combat Terrorism The United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS). The United Nations platform for Space based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (SPIDER). The United Nations Action to Counter Terrorism. Providing a global platform to the world for exchanging know-how, information and ideas to deal with this new common threat to all humanity. Enhancing the means to inhibit the misuse on space capabilities and promoting the principle of peaceful use of outer space in order to maintain international peace and security.
« Space Applications as Instruments to Face Terrorist Threats » 5) Conclusion Terrorism represents a major threat to sustainable development. Using space capabilities: GNSS, SATCOM and Remote sensing. Political will of actions to cooperate and to maintain international peace and security. Governance mechanism for international action => effective measures. The United Nations umbrella, with its variety of organisations, aim to counter terrorism in its wide manifestations.
Thank you for your attention. Mrs. Anne-Sophie Martin annesophie Thank you for your attention! Mrs. Anne-Sophie Martin annesophie.martin@uniroma1.it