Employee Enrichment Program Brought to you by Education/ practice Shared Governance Committee
Why have an enrichment program? Process was driven and developed by staff through the collaboration of the practice and education shared governance teams. Goal is to decrease turn over by increasing recognition of staff and staff contributions to our organization. Provide an easy format for highlighting your accomplishments. Many organizations use different types of recognition programs. We historically used the carrer ladder in the past. Very few participated in this program in the past several years.
Employee Enrichment Program Contents of the Packet: Information about what qualifies for points in the new system. Who is eligible for the programs. How to complete the packet. Additional forms that will need to be completed to include in your packet. Where to submit the packet. Time lines for eligible information (runs during the fiscal year) Deadlines for submission of the packet. What: We have developed a new and revised program. With feedback from several employees, and the Nursing shared governance committee we made some changes to last years program. We have updated several of the features to the program. This packet should have most everything that you will need to know.
Employee Enrichment Program Who: All clinical and non-clinical employees excluding VPs, Directors, executive team, and medical staff. What: to determine points for eligibility: Review the attached handout to determine what points you will qualify for. Total your points. Determine the tier that you qualify for. Gather your supporting documents. During your review sit with your leader and review this information. Have them sign the form. Bottom signature lines to be filled out by HR and Clinical Education. Things to consider: Cannot participate if you are utilizing tuition assistance or have had disciplinary action in that fiscal year. Certification not to include: (ACLS, BLS, ENPC, etc) or certifications required by Job Description Examples of what give you points and the areas that we are having questions: If I participated in community service at boys and girls club for 5 hours, I could receive 50 points. Certifications only count as a national certification where in an employee takes a nationally recognized test and becomes certified. This does not include certifications that are required as part of your job description (BLS, ACLS, ENPC, TNCC……) Subject matter experts: Employee that are the expert in their areas compared to their peers and act as a resource on a given subject/ skill. For example: Epic rollout.
HOW to participate Upload your documents into your HealthStream account. If you are not sure how there will be times that we will be available to help you scan documents. Forms submitted without proper proof of documentation will be automatically declined and not payment issued. Upload all of the packet together into one document. Title it Employee Enrichment 2016. The hard copy of the signed form must be submitted to Dalene Franz, Benefits Analyst, in the Human Resources Department. Deadline for submission is September 30th. All supporting documents must be uploaded into HealthStream by September 30th. Pay out for the program will be the second pay period in November.
Looking forward A yearly Enrichment Program ANCC Certification Program CE Center Program Shared Governance Survey post program Go over the ANCC program. Please have them e-mail Heidi Tatum if interested in participating in the ANCC program and obtaining a key code for participation. Go over the CE center for those that may not know what it is. Discuss how the survey will be given post September 30th for feedback on this program. This will help us ensure that we can continue the use of this program.