Forgiveness and Justice Lesson 3 How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? Will Riley and Peter Woolf CORBEL
“An eye for an eye” The above saying is related to crime and punishment. Working in pairs or small groups share your ideas on what you think this saying means? CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 2
How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? What does the saying mean? Click here for some possible answers… The principle is that the punishment must fit the crime and there should be a just penalty for evil actions. The complete saying within the Bible is as follows “If there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise” (Exodus 21:23–25). It implies justice should be equitable; excessive harshness and excessive leniency should be avoided. CORBEL Within The Bible the principle of “an eye for an eye” is meant as a judicial policy, not as a rule for interpersonal relationships. Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 3
How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? Restorative Justice v Criminal Justice Read pages 2 and 3 in your student booklet which explores the differences between the Criminal Justice system and Restorative Justice. Using the information provided and your knowledge from previous lessons tick the relevant category - Criminal Justice or Restorative Justice. For example: CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 4
How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? Ground rules when exploring personal stories 1. Do respect the fact that your opinion is personal to you and may be different to your classmates. 2. Do take part in open discussions and value this as a positive activity, however refrain from making personal remarks which are negative. 3. Do be patient and wait until another student has finished before offering your opinion, idea or question. CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 5
Please click here to launch the video Will Riley and Peter Woolf’s story Please click here to launch the video Alternatively copy this link into your browser: CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 6
How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? Writing a feature article Using information on the next slide and in your student booklet, start to plan a feature article about Peter Woolf and his life. What is a feature article? Feature articles explore news stories in more depth. They may be triggered by a story that has been in the news for a while. The purpose of a feature is not just to tell you what has happened, but to explore or analyse the reasons why. CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 7
Feature article tips | | Lesson 3 Top tip: Plan before you write. What parts of Peter’s story could I include? Peter’s upbringing and how this affected his childhood and teenage years What life was like as he was growing up The process of going in and out of jail The burglary of Will Riley’s house Being invited to a Restorative Justice meeting How the Restorative Justice meeting impacted him and his future life Structure: 1. A catchy headline. 2. First paragraph to grab attention 3. Main article with facts in chronological order 4. Your opinion 5. Conclusion 6. Pictures with captions Answer key questions: What – has happened? Who – has been affected? Where – has this taken place? Why – did it happen? When – did it happen? How – did it happen? Language: Use past tense Emotive language Persuasive language Logical Varied sentence length CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 8
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi wrote: “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi. Source: What is Gandhi trying to say with this quote? Do you agree with him, or if not why not? Share your ideas and thoughts with the class. CORBEL Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 9
How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Click here for additional information… This famous quote refers to an ancient proverb regarding the legal penalties for violence. Gandhi rejected violence as a means to change, and only engaged in peaceful ways of protest. Gandhi’s addition “only makes the world blind” implies that revenge and retribution perpetuate the cycle of violence and do not contribute towards a peaceful community or lifestyle. CORBEL A version of this quote was in fact also used by Dr Martin Luther King Jr during the struggle for civil rights and equality in the USA. Both men were proponents of the power of the people and their peaceful methods carried great weight and helped bring about social change. Lesson 3 | How does Restorative Justice differ from Criminal Justice? | 10