Eye tracking – experiences from a pre-study Håkan Morberg and Anette Lagerkvist Statistics Sweden Nordic web-meeting Oslo 7-8 Februari 2012
Objectives of the pre-studie To investigate the eye tracking method To get an idea of possible usage and costs
The pre-studie Autumn 2011 Carried through together with Tobii, an eye tracking consultant Four days of learning and preparation Two different use cases 8 test persons (Statistic Sweden employes)
What is eye tracking? A method to record and analyze eye movements A complement to qualitative studies Includes software and hardware
How to use eye tracking Exampels on questions to ask: Where do they look How long does it take before … How long do they fixate (easy/hard) Exampels on situations: User tests on software and applications. Respondent reading questions and answering alternatives. User tests on a website.
The test situation Eyetracker Test leader Observer
Use case 1 - Find name statistics Where do they look? How do they navigate – two main paths How long does it take to solve the task?
Use case 1 - instructions Your friends just had a baby, a girl. They want you to help them find the most popular names on newborns so that they can awoid picking one of those names. What names do you suggest that they should avoid?
Areas of interest Alternative A Alternative B
Where did they look before clicking?
Result TOP BAR Fixating: 38% Clicking: 12% LINK Fixating: 88% Clicking: 88% (1 was clicking 2 times)
Name search-page
Heatmap count Hard to continue from page Misleading headline
Gazeplot Exampel on how one test person tried to move from the page
Findings For this task, the ”name search page” is not the most accurate. It is hard to continue to Name statistics from the ”Name search page” The Name statistics link on the start page is popular among Stat Sweden employes.
Use case 2 – Log in and fill out form Time to find log in? Image in the survey? Do they see question nr 2?
Use case 2 - instructions You have recieved a letter from Statistics Sweden regarding a web survey called Traffic safety 2011. You choose to participate and will now log in. You find your log in information in the letter.
Area of interest
Heatmap count (where are they looking?)
Heatmap relative duration (how long?)
Gazeplot all users
Findings - Log in Center and middle sections gets a lot of attention. The results indicates that the test persons were unsure: Long time to find for some users. Long time to decide for some users.
What importance has the image?
Inverted heatmap total (count)
Do they look at the image? Yes, but very quickly (won’t remember it)
Question nr. 2 and 3 i the questionnaire
Two out of eight are missing question nr 2