Community Facilities and Water & Wastewater Application Workshops Newton & Topeka
Community Facilities Application Deadline is November 1, 2017 Funding Limits
Grant Amount Requested Multiply number of project beneficiaries by $2,000 to arrive at the amount applicant is eligible to apply for. Size of project beneficiaries will determine maximum applicant can apply for.
Eligible Activities Senior and community centers Daycare centers Hospitals, health departments Mental health center Housing rehabilitation Fire stations and truck Ambulances And much, much, more….
Rating System Need 60 pts Leverage 20 pts Local Effort 20 pts Documentation of Need 35 pts Project Alternative 10 pts Past effort to address Need 10 pts Project Readiness 5 pts Leverage 20 pts Local Effort 20 pts Total 100 pts -10 points for anything missing
Writing the application Please read the instructions for each element before you begin writing. Tell us your story. Tell us why the project is important to your community. Make the raters care about your project. Have a person who knows nothing about your project read it, then ask them questions. Proof read your application. Make sure all forms and materials are included in the applications you submit to KDC.
Project Need – 35 Points Will make or break your application State your need Cause of the need How long it has existed Street repair; number and cost to repair Urgency to make a change Is the applicant violating any fed/state regs. All this backed up with facts and figures Don’t copy what is in the PER
Project Alternative – 10 Points KDC needs to know that applicants have looked at their alternatives Project Alternatives Financial Alternatives Points will be deducted if no discussion of Financial Alternatives.
Past Efforts to Address Need Describe ALL efforts you have made to address your overall community needs; last 5 years. repaved streets, painted water tower, planted flowers, clean up day, civic group involvement, etc. Don’t be shy and toot your horn The more active the better
Leverage Points Minimum required to apply is 25% of what is being applied for $400,000 (CDBG Request) *25% = $100,000 Match No project will be funded without local investment. Can’t rely on KDOT and CDBG to pay for all the bridge repairs. Must have County investment. 25% minimum match required.
Local Effort 5 points will be awarded for per capita indebtedness. 5 points will be awarded for per capita tangible valuation (real and personal property) 5 points will be awarded based on Community LMI percent ranking compared to pool. 5 points will be awarded based on LMI beneficiaries compared to the pool.
Incomplete Applications 10 points will be deducted for any errors or omissions in an application. An applicant will have two weeks to submit the missing element(s). Three or more errors or omissions will threshold an application.
Determination of Level of Review Complete a “Determination of Level of Review” and include with the application. The application scope of work must match the scope of work in the Determination of Level of Review. Call if you have any questions.
Sidewalks CDBG will not pay for the curb cut dimples. If applicant wishes to include in bidding process, sidewalks must be bid two ways; with and without the dimples. The applicant will then pay for the item outside of the grant.
Preliminary Engineering Report Don’t forget to include the PER with the application. Licensed Engineer or Architect Must address the Need, Alternatives, cost estimates, O&M costs. Use the PER as a starting point in the writing the application and the Determination of Level of Review. PER not needed for residential demolition, fire trucks and ambulances.
Water & Waste Water Application Deadline is September 29, 2017 Funding Limits
Grant Amount Requested Multiply number of project beneficiaries by $2,000 to arrive at the amount applicant is eligible to apply for. Size of project beneficiaries will determine maximum the applicant can apply for.
Eligible Activities Water treatment plants Water source development Waterline replacement Water towers Wastewater treatment plants Sewer lagoon improvements Lift stations Etc.
Rating Points Need 60 pts Leverage 20 pts Local Effort 20 pts Documentation of Need 35 pts Project Alternative 10 pts Past effort to address Need10 pts Project Readiness 5 pts Leverage 20 pts Local Effort 20 pts Total 100 pts. -10 points for anything missing
Local Effort 10 points will be given based on Water or Sewer rates of the applicant/State average water or sewer rate Total W or S revenue of applicant/Per capita income of applicant Divided by Total W or S Revenue of Pool/ Average Per capita income of pool
KIAC Every applicant must attend a KIAC meeting prior to submitting an application. Funding Agencies: Rural Development KDHE CDBG Water Office Meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday May-August. The 2nd Tuesday in August meeting will be in Hays for the western counties only. The 4th Tuesday meeting date in August has been eliminated.
Attendance A city or county representative Project engineer Agency representatives Failure to attend a KIAC meeting will result in a 10 point deduction during the annual competition.
Presentation Applicant has one hour in which to present its project. Project map PER Regionalization projects Questions
Application Failure Not enough pertinent information Poorly written applications Relying too heavily on the PER Tell us about your problems. We don’t know them. Spelling errors Missing timelines No financial alternatives
Regionalization Voluntary on part of communities New MOU CDBG, KDHE and RD Agencies will coordinate their actions If regional approach best solution, don’t expect to get individual funding to go it alone.
Average Water, Sewer Rates City Water - $32.86 Rural Water District - $45.06 City Sewer - $26.25
Finally Plan ahead. Project scope of work must match what is in the public hearing notice. Give additional time to republish if changes occur. Someone in city or county government should read the application prior to submittal. Good luck.
Salih Doughramaji (785) 296-3610